Application Guidlines




 The applicants must be full time students enrolled in overseas partner institutions with an exchange agreement with Rikkyo who meet the eligibility requirements stated in the agreement. While both undergraduate and

graduate students are accepted as exchange students, agreements with specific partner institutions

may not extend to accepting graduate students. Please contact your home institution regarding your

eligibility to participate. 

 As for the overseas partners which have an exchange agreement with Rikkyo University, please refer to the following website;

協定校一覧/Partner universities:



 Rikkyo University will apply for Certificate of Eligibility on behalf of the incoming exchange students. After the Japanese Immigration Bureau issues the certificates, Rikkyo will send them directly to the applicants' home universities. Upon receipt of this certificate all incoming exchange students must obtain a College Student Visa at the nearest Japanese embassy/consulate prior to their departure to Japan. Contact the nearest Japanese embassy/consulate for more information regarding the visa application procedure. Students cannot participate in the exchange program or be enrolled in Rikkyo University under a Temporary Visitor Visa.

【出願手続き Application  Procedure】

出願から入学までの流れ/Application Flow

出願の流れ_Application Flow_表chart.pdf



The approximate costs for study as an exchange student at Rikkyo are listed as follows:

個人情報の取り扱いについて/Privacy Policy



 Based on Rikkyo University's Privacy Policy, your personal information will be used for the screening process and admission procedures,  as well as for academic and everyday life support after admission.

 ▶Privacy Policy: policy/