About us

Rikkyo University Exchange Students Program 


 Refer to the brochure of the exchange program and check out what you can experience at Rikkyo!


 Founded in 1874 as "St. Paul's School" by Bishop Channing Moore Williams, a missionary bishop of the American Episcopal Church, Rikkyo University is one of the oldest private universities in Japan. Rikkyo consists of  two campuses, 11 colleges, 1 undergraduate degree program, and 15 graduate schools with a student body of approximately 20,000.


About 4,000 courses including about 500 courses conducted in English, offered to regular students are available annually to the Special International Students as well. They can attend classes together with the domestic Rikkyo students and take courses not only related to their major but also Japanese language courses and courses offered by other colleges as well. 

Ikebukuro Campus

所在地:〒171-8501 東京都豊島区西池袋3-34-1

Address:3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 171-8501

学部/Graduate College

文学部、経済学部、理学部、社会学部、法学部、経営学部、異文化コミュニケーション学部、Global Liberal Arts Program (GRAP)

Arts, Economics, Science, Sociology, Law and Politics, Business, Intercultural Communication, and Global Liberal Arts Program (GRAP)

●研究科/Graduate Schools


Arts, Economics, Science, Sociology, Law and Politics, Business, Business Administration, Social Design Studies, Intercultural Communication, Law School, Christian Studies and Artificial Intelligence and Science

Niiza Campus

所在地:〒352-8558 埼玉県新座市北野1-2-26

Address:1-2-26 Kitano, Niiza, Saitama, 352-8558

学部/Graduate College


Tourism, Community and Human Services,  Contemporary Psychology, and Sport and Wellness

研究科/Graduate Schools


Tourism, Community and Human Services, Contemporary Psychology, and Sport and Wellness