CTE & Recruitment @ Edison

Tomorrows Inventors


Direct Email for CTE

Edison Career & Technology High School 

creating Inventors since 1908

Students are you interested in coming to Edison Tech High School? Just fill out this student interest form and will be in contact with you and your families.

¡Atención! ¿Está interesado en asistir a la escuela secundaria de Edison Tech? Complete esta solicitud estudiantil y escuchará de nosotros y de las oportunidades.

Parents/Guardians after viewing the recruitment video please fill out our Parent Recruitment Survey. We appreciate your response's, and we will answer any questions you may have.

Padres/Guardianes después de ver el video de reclutamiento, a favor de llenar la encuesta para reclutamiento de la secundaria de Edison Tech. Agradecemos sus respuestas. Anticipamos sus preguntas sobre nuestros programas de estudio. Sus preguntas serán respondidas y esperamos sus comentarios.

CTE EVENTS 2023-24

Edison Tech High School

-EST 1908-

Edison offers academics, technical training, work-based learning, and support services. Our Career Pathways connect your high school classes with technical learning, internships, and mentoring to help you get ahead. You can earn industry credentials and college credits, in addition to participating in clubs, sports, and other extra-curricular activities. Put it all together, and you get a one-of-a-kind educational experience. 

Click here for website overview

Click here for Edison Showcase Video & Survey 

Acting Principal Of Edison Career & Technology High School

Mrs. LaCassa Felton

#etechonefamily  @EdisonTechRCSD    @PTechRCSD