November 2023

November 2023

Discover the exceptional opportunities awaiting you at Edison Career & Technology High School through our Recruitment 2023-24 campaign. Engage with our vibrant community during Family and Student Information Sessions, where you'll gain insights into our innovative programs. Excitingly, we've crafted a new Family Information Video, offering a firsthand look at the Edison experience for our prospective families. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and envision the future that awaits at Edison Career & Technology High School!

3rd Annual Diesel Days At

November 9th 

Fueling excitement and learning, Edison Tech proudly hosted its 3rd Annual Diesel Days, a dynamic event that brought students face-to-face with professionals in the Diesel industry. The Diesel Days Career Fair provided a valuable networking platform, connecting our students with experts in the field. In addition, students dove into the heart of diesel mechanics at three hands-on activity stations, exploring the intricate parts and equipment central to the diesel industry. This immersive experience was especially thrilling for our manufacturing students, offering them a unique perspective outside their usual focus on gasoline-powered vehicles. Diesel Days at Edison Tech: Igniting curiosity, broadening horizons, and shaping future industry leaders! 

November 15th

The 2nd annual Women in Manufacturing Summit features a panel of highly distinguished women across manufacturing in the Rochester, NY region. They will teach young women about careers, training programs and more. This event is to encourage more young women to get into one of the region's largest industries. The WIM Summit is open to high school students and educators in the region and will be offered both in-person and virtually. 

November 16th

Exciting News: SUNY Delhi College Comes to Edison High School as Guest Speaker!

We are thrilled to announce that SUNY Delhi College will be joining us as guest speakers to showcase the diverse range of programs they offer. This unique opportunity will provide our students with valuable insights into potential future educational paths.

The guest speaker session aims to highlight SUNY Delhi's programs that align seamlessly with our students' current Career Tech Ed classes. This connection between high school coursework and college programs will help students make informed decisions about their academic and professional journeys.

Don't miss out on this chance to explore the exciting possibilities that SUNY Delhi College has to offer and discover how their programs can complement and enhance the skills our students are developing in their current classes. Join us for an enlightening session that bridges the gap between high school and higher education!