Secondary Newsletter

Greetings from the Head of Secondary

Dear Parents, Students, and RBIS Community,

This month has been a bustling period for our school community, with the IGCSE and A Level exams in full swing. Our dedicated students have been working hard, and we are approaching the final stretch, with the last exam scheduled for the 13th of June. In addition to these crucial exams, we also conducted the end-of-year exams for Years 7 to 10 at the end of the month.

Despite the intensive exam schedule, our school continued to host a variety of enriching events. Our annual jogathon was a tremendous success, raising more than 38,000 Baht for charity. The UKMT Junior Challenge saw our students achieve an impressive collection of 9 bronze, silver, and gold certificates, while our inter-house spelling bee brought out the competitive spirit in our students, contributing to a vibrant school community atmosphere.

Beyond the campus, our students engaged in numerous educational trips. They lent a helping hand to those in need, explored a natural history and geology museum, and visited a forest to deepen their understanding of biodiversity. We also had the honor of hosting our first Round Square project, centered on International Women's Day, with participation from schools around the globe.

As we look forward to the end of the school year, please have a look at the 'Upcoming Events' section for important dates. We have three significant whole school events where we warmly invite parents to join us: International Day, the Awards and Graduation Ceremony, and Family Day.

Thank you for your continuous support in making our school a thriving, dynamic place of learning and growth.

Tom De Smet

Annual Jogathon

Our annual Jog - A - Thon was a huge success. On Friday May 10th students from Secondary and Year 6 were eagerly waiting for the start; our Head prefect Jericho welcomed the students, and they were off.    

Each student ran or walked the number of laps that their parents decided upon, or for those who selected "unlimited," they went all out and gave it their absolute best.

Our Jog A Thon was held in support of our 6th Form Community Service project, benefiting Pinkaew School in Ayutthaya. We have a full programme of activities and tasks such as repairs to the library for the school when we visit in June.

We would also like to congratulate the top three students who ran the greatest number of laps during the Jog-A-Thon. Bronze medal went to Domino , silver medal to Janice and gold medal to Alice. 

The special form lunch, for the form who collected the most money, goes to Year 11. Well done to them and indeed all the students for their kindness.

Thank you to all the parents, teachers, and our 6th Form who supported and encouraged our students throughout the Jog-A-Thon. On the day we raised     38 600 baht which will enable us to go ahead and carry out our planned project. Thanks to our school community for helping us to reach our fundraising goal.

UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge - Update

Last newsletter we informed you about the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge which year 5, year 6, year 7 and year 8 entered.  We are so pleased that so many of our students participated  

The Junior Mathematics Challenge involves a 60 minute, 25 multiple choice exam. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think. The problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are designed to make students think, most are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

The wait is over and we have received the results of the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge.   We are extremely proud of all those who took part in this competition. We are also delighted to announce that our students achieved Six Bronze Awards, Two Silver Awards and a Gold Award! 

Well done to all those who participated.  A special mention to Indy and Victoria who achieved silver and to Janice who achieved gold and was Top in School.  

Gold certificate

Silver certificate

Silver certificate

Bronze certificate

Bronze certificate

Bronze certificate

Bronze certificate

Bronze certificate

Bronze certificate

Full School (Inter Year) Spelling Bee

On Friday 17th May an Inter-Form Spelling Bee was held to showcase the participation of every single student. The original concept was devised last year, due to the fact that with exams taking place in the hall, the competition could be run by homeroom tutors using word slides shared online.

Having also witnessed or contested a "Top of The Houses" spelling bee in term 1, our students appear to have shown a clear improvement in their listening, confidence and word recognition since becoming more familiar with the contest. In order to succeed in a spelling bee, one generally needs to show their knowledge, resilience and determination - as well as having some luck in the draw of the spellings!  After the dust had settled the winners for the 2024 full-school contest were as follows:

Y7-8 Gold: Pookie  - 5 House Points       Silver: Ava - 3 House Points         Bronze: Ping-Ping - 2 House Points

Y9-13 Gold: Tinton - 5 House Points       Silver: Peam - 3 House Points      Bronze: Pin Pin - 2 House Points

Our upper school finalists are seen here pictured with their recommended reading choices: 

"Demon Thief" by Darren Shan, "1984" by George Orwell, and "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" - the latest Hunger Games novel by Suzanne Collins. We would also like to thank our librarian Ms.Tintin for updating our library with a brand new selection of exciting literature and fascinating non-fiction books!

Inter-school badminton competition

In the recent inter-school badminton tournament held on Saturday the 25th of May, we are proud to announce that Pune (Year 8) and Son (Year 10) represented our school with distinction. Son achieved an impressive 4th place in the varsity singles division. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Charmil, our dedicated PE coach, for accompanying and supporting our athletes throughout the event. Well done to Pune and Son for their hard work and excellent performance!

Annual Trashion Show

On Friday, May 24th, our students participated in the annual Trashion Show, an exciting event that combines creativity with environmental awareness. Each year group collected recyclables over several weeks and designed unique outfits, showcasing their creations on the red carpet during period 6. The enthusiasm was palpable as classmates and teachers cheered them on. Year 13 secured third place, Year 8 came in second, and Year 11 claimed first place. Well done to everyone involved!

The Trashion Show is more than just a fun event; it teaches our students the importance of sustainability and resourcefulness. By turning waste into fashion, students learn to think critically about recycling and reusing materials, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment. It also encourages teamwork, creativity, and innovation, skills that are invaluable both in and out of the classroom.


Community Service trip to Bangkok Community Help (Y.7)

Our incredible Year 7 students embarked on a meaningful journey to the Bangkok Community Help Foundation! 

With hearts full of compassion and eagerness to make a difference, they dedicated their morning to packing lunches, spreading love and kindness in every meal made. Then, in the afternoon, they hit the streets of the Ratanakosin area, distributing these meals to those in need, lighting up faces and warming hearts along the way. 

We couldn't be prouder of our Year 7s for their selflessness and willingness to lend a helping hand to the community. They truly embody the spirit of kindness and generosity.  

Geography trip to the National Geological museum (Y.7-8)

On Thursday the 16th of May, our Year 7 and 8 students embarked on an exciting journey through time at the National Geological Museum in Pathum Thani province! Led by our Geography teacher and Head of Secondary, Mr. De Smet, they explored the wonders of our planet's history. From the birth of the Earth and the evolution of life, to the mechanisms of mountain building, earthquakes, mineral formation, fossils, and geohazards, they uncovered it all. They even discovered dinosaurs found right here in Thailand!

After an informative tour, the students put their new knowledge to the test with a fun museum worksheet, searching for answers throughout the exhibits. It was a day filled with learning and adventure!

Science trip to the Metro Forest Park (Y.10)

On May 26th, our Year 10 students explored the Metro Forest with their Biology teacher, Mr. Le Serre. This urban forest features more than 270 species of plants! Established in 2015, it is both a biodiversity hotspot in Bangkok and an educational center.


The students learned about the Miyawaki afforestation method, various environmental projects in Thailand, and the benefits of urban tree planting. It was a fantastic learning experience for everyone involved!

Y.7 - 9 

What's Going on?

Year 7 drama

In Drama class, we delved into the intricacies of embodying stereotypes using body language. From the confident swagger of the CEO to the carefree antics of the circus clown, we explored a range of characters through physicality. Engaging in activities like red light green light and charades, we honed our awareness of how movement can bring characters to life. Through these exercises, we deepened our understanding of how gestures and postures contribute to storytelling, enriching our performances with authenticity and depth. This newfound skill will undoubtedly aid us on our journey through C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," as we bring its enchanting characters to life in the Drama classroom!

Year 8 music

This term Year 8 have been studying the 'Power of Lyrics'. We discussed key ideas such as 'what defines quality lyrics?' and 'do quality lyrics contribute to a song's popularity?'. 

Students were set with the task of composing their own lyrics. They chose a theme, rhyming scheme and key words associated with the chosen theme. Finally, they performed their lyrics to the class. 

Year 9 history

This month, the Year 9 students delved into an in-depth study of life in Nazi Germany, with a particular focus on the experiences of young people. They explored how the regime targeted youth through organisations like the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls, aiming to indoctrinate them with Nazi ideology from a young age. The curriculum also covered the role of women in Nazi Germany, examining the societal expectations placed upon them to embrace motherhood and support the war effort. Additionally, students learned about the methods Hitler used to disseminate his message, including propaganda, speeches, and the strategic use of media, which played a crucial role in garnering support and maintaining control over the populace.

Furthermore, the students examined the promises Hitler made to the German people, such as economic revival, national rejuvenation, and the restoration of Germany's former glory. They also studied the harsh realities faced by those deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime, including Jews, disabled individuals, and other minority groups. The brutal policies of exclusion, persecution, and genocide were explored in depth, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the atrocities committed under Nazi rule. This unit not only highlighted the mechanisms of control and manipulation employed by the Nazis but also emphasised the importance of remembering and learning from this dark chapter in history.

Y.10 - 13 

What's Going on?

Year 10 Physics

The Magnetic Marvels Await! Welcome, Year 10 physicists, to the captivating world of magnetism! Buckle up as we embark on an electrifying journey where invisible forces come alive, compass needles dance, and everyday objects reveal their magnetic secrets.

Floating Magnets: Defying Gravity with Ring Magnets

Imagine a stack of ring magnets levitating around a central column—no strings, no tricks, just pure magnetic magic! In our Floating Magnets experiment, we explored the concept of magnetic poles, attraction, and repulsion. Arrange those magnets just right, and they’ll hover like enchanted donuts. It’s like having your own mini-UFO fleet!

Year 11 PE

Our Year 11 students have been engaging in boxing lessons during PE this month. Prior to each session, students typically engage in a series of warm-up exercises to prepare their muscles for the upcoming workout. This routine may involve stretching, jogging, other dynamic movements, and playing games to enhance reaction time. We have covered fundamental boxing skills such as the jab, cross, hook, uppercut, and 1vs1. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have further honed their sporting abilities. 

Year 12 HSD biology

This month, Year 12 student Le’pain has been studying climate change, focusing on rising sea levels. While many attribute sea level rise to melting ice sheets and glaciers, Le’pain has explored another crucial factor: thermal expansion.

He has conducted an experiment to show how water volume changes with temperature. The results demonstrated that as water warms, it expands, significantly contributing to rising sea levels. 

Le’pain’s work exemplifies the value of practical scientific inquiry in addressing global issues. Well done, LePain, for your dedication !

  Year 13 A level business

As the Year 13 students of the Pearson Edexcel curriculum prepare for their upcoming Business exams, they are delving deeply into real-life case studies that provide invaluable insights into global business setups. By engaging with these case studies, students gain a practical understanding of how businesses operate on an international scale, making decisions and developing strategies that allow them to thrive in competitive markets.

One key area of focus is understanding the myriad factors that influence business decisions. Students explore the internal and external elements that impact strategic choices, such as market conditions, competition, economic trends, and technological advancements. By analyzing these factors through real-world examples, they learn to assess risks and opportunities effectively, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive business success.

Change management is another crucial aspect covered in the curriculum. Students learn about the processes and strategies businesses use to manage changes in their operations, whether due to internal restructuring, technological advancements, or shifts in market dynamics. By studying real-life scenarios, they gain insights into the challenges and best practices for implementing change, ensuring minimal disruption and sustained growth.

Through these practical case studies, Year 13 students not only prepare for their exams but also develop a comprehensive understanding of how businesses function in the real world. This holistic approach to learning helps them to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications, fostering a deeper appreciation of the complexities involved in global business operations and strategic decision-making.


4 houses

The RBIS Houses are designed to embody the values and ethos of our school and are an integral part of our school community.

Our Houses' main aim is to provide every student in each house with a sense of belonging within the school community, opportunities to develop social, intellectual, physical and practical skills, a sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom including through the fun and excitement of inter-house competitions.

Students are assigned to one of our four Houses when they join the EY, Primary or Secondary sections of the school; entering a system which is designed to develop an awareness of individual and collective responsibility and opportunities for student leadership. Each house has two designated elected House Captains  (Primary and Secondary) who will act as representatives for all the students in their house throughout the year by: helping coordinate house teams, organise activities and events and represent their house at relevant meetings.

House events at Secondary (May) : 

E-sports tournament (FIFA 2023)

In the ongoing eSports championship, Lolo representing House Dragon emerged victorious against Jenny of House Lion after three intense rematches, each forced by draws. Copter, another member of Dragon, triumphed over Ville representing House Lion, while Mr. Asena, from Phoenix, secured a win against Pin from House Phoenix.

Basketball final

Dragon beats Phoenix

In a stunning upset, the underdog Dragon triumphed over the favored Phoenix in the RBIS basketball final, snatching the championship crown and dethroning the once-reigning champions.


In the first volleyball match between the Dragon and the Phoenix houses, the score ended in an unexpected tie at 13-13. Despite the Phoenix leading throughout the game, Dragons managed to make a comeback, making it an exciting showdown. Who will seize the crown in the rematch? Mr. Asena, likening Dragon's performance to Manchester United's streaks of luck, pledges to bring out his "A-game" against the Dragon team.

House  ranking

(Based on the HP earned since the start of the school year)

House Point Leaderboard

(Based on the HP earned since the start of the school year)

Student achievements


RBIS is proud to announce it is a global member member of ROUND SQUARE which is a prestigious international organisation with schools in over 50 countries, across six continents. 

It focuses on holistic education practices through the following six key IDEALS: 

Internationalism: Students are taught to value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature. 

Democracy: Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums and channels of communication are in place for students to voice their views. Students are also taught to appreciate the importance of self-discipline and are trained and expected to share in the responsibility for development of the school. 

Environment: Round Square students are expected to demonstrate concern for all natural environments, to be aware of proven problems and to play a practical role in tackling environmental issues. Students are taught the interdependence needed to maintain a healthy relationship between human beings and the planet. 

Adventure: Building character through adventure, meeting physical challenges and developing an appreciation of the outdoors: these are all central to Round Square schools.

Leadership: Students are taught that true leadership is found in those whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice. Opportunities for student leadership in the school community are fostered extensively. 

Service: This is the key element utilised by Round Square schools to prepare students for life through the expectation of serving others. Students commit themselves to local, regional and international service projects. 

Round Square related events at Secondary (May) : 

Earlier this month, we hosted our very first Round Square collaboration with other schools. The project was a success, with outstanding submissions by many of our Key Stage 3 students. Other Round Square schools joined in and a virtual meet was organized in which students presented their projects about inpirational women in honour of International Women's Day. 

Well done to all students who participated in the event and thank you to Ms. Reid for encouraging the students and participating in the virtual meet!

Community service at Secondary (May) : 

"Pick up 10" took place on Friday 10th May . As we said in the April  newsletter we had a substantial amount of recyclables waiting to be collected which you can see filled the van from Cirplas. Many of our students are  involved in bringing in recyclables - let's keep this going! Recycling provides many benefits to our environment. By recycling our materials, we create a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.              Did you know?                                                                                                                                                        Enough plastic bottles are discarded over a year to go around the planet 4 times !  The largest dumping site of plastics is not a landfill, it is the Pacific Ocean!

Community Service points.                                                            

Who will be the top three students in Secondary?    

      Last community service points for this academic year  will be issued on   Friday 14th June; so bring in your recyclables by that date! You have 3 weeks  to receive more points.

Our 6th Form students have been busy making welcome cards for the children at Pinkaew School. This is a lovely way to say "hello" which we know the children will enjoy. 

English  challenge - join in a one minute English conversation about your favourite food and win a prize!

The 6th form students have also been busy with Ms Reid deciding activities to use in the English Camp  to encourage the use of English. They also plan to get some board games so they can help the children have fun as well as speaking English.  

We are all looking forward to painting murals with the children helping us. We have 3 walls to paint and have decided to have cartoon characters on all walls. Once we start our project we will keep you informed with our dally diary.

Community Service Point Leaderboard

(Based on the CSP earned in May)

Community Service Point Leaderboard

(Based on the CSP earned since the start of the school year)

Alumni of the month

Triniti (Paul) Ngarmvinijsakul  who graduated from RBIS in 2015

I studied at RBIS from 2011 to 2015. It was a great time as I was used to study from Home School before and RBIS helped make me what I am today. During my studies, all the teachers taught the knowledge that is necessary for life and prepared me well to be able to continue to study to a higher level. The IGCSE curriculum prepared me to be successful and to be prepared to enter into an international university. The culture of studying at RBIS helped me understand how to engage in self study at university.


For my undergraduate degree, I studied in the faculty of Business Administration majoring in Business Economics at Mahidol University. The course of study was about learning the overall economy of a country such as GDP, demand and supply. Life at university was like a huge step for me as I had to work and sort out everything independently. However, I was soon able concentrate on my studies and was successful.


Right now I am working as a manager at Body Absolute Company which is a start up company. I am really happy with the job as in my position I am able to organise everything required to work through each day.

ECA Focus

Football club

Our football extracurricular activity (ECA) is a dynamic and engaging club that offers students the opportunity to hone their football skills while fostering teamwork and sportsmanship. Led by Mr. Charmil, a professional football player and our PE teacher, our ECA sessions are filled with energy and enthusiasm. Students are encouraged to push their boundaries and strive for excellence on the field, all while enjoying the camaraderie and spirit of the game. Mr. Charmil's expertise and passion for football serve as a guiding force, inspiring students to develop their abilities and reach their full potential. Whether they are dribbling, passing, or scoring goals, our football ECA provides a platform for students to grow both as athletes and individuals, leaving them with cherished memories and a lifelong love for the sport.

Upcoming events