Secondary Newsletter

Greetings from the Head of Secondary

Dear Parents, Students, and RBIS Community,

As we reach the end of the school year, I want to reflect on the tremendous hard work and achievements of our students. Our Year 7-10 students have put in great effort, and their end-of-year reports were released on Friday, the 24th of June. Our Year 11-13 IGCSE and A Level students have completed their external exams, and we eagerly await their results in August. Yesterday, we celebrated our Year 13s at the 2024 Awards & Graduation Ceremony. Many congratulations to our graduates and to the students who received awards.

The last month of the school year was incredibly busy and vibrant. We hosted a range of events including International Day, Coral Reef Awareness Day, a NASA workshop titled "Journey through the Solar System," a Year 6 Transition Day, Business Project Week, and the annual Swimming Gala. Additionally, many students participated in offsite experiences such as the 6th Form community service residential, the Thai Studies trip to Chonburi, and the winning house trip to Dreamworld.

A special congratulations to Dragon House for winning this year's house competition and to all the students who received a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum award. Our Community Service Points competition also concluded successfully. Congratulations to Plawaln, Copter, and Alice for bringing in the most recyclables this school year, earning them either a bronze, silver, or gold RBIS medal.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parents and students for their dedication and support throughout the year. Wishing everyone a fantastic summer break, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday, the 19th of August.

Tom De Smet

2024 Awards & Graduation Ceremony

On Wednesday, the 26th of June, we held our much-anticipated Awards and Graduation Ceremony at the Channel 5 auditorium. The event commenced with an art exhibition showcasing the exceptional work of our students from terms 2 and 3. Following the exhibition, our Head of Secondary gave opening remarks, setting the stage for a series of impressive musical performances and the presentation of awards. Each year group received an overview of their achievements, along with values, achievement, and progress awards. The ceremony also featured musical interludes by talented students from various year groups, adding a special touch to the celebration. Notably, the Round Square’s King Constantine Medal and the Kurt Hahn Award Certificates of Commendation were presented, recognising students for their outstanding service and commitment to the school's values. The Headmaster’s speech and the Head Prefect's address further highlighted the accomplishments of our students and the dedication of our staff and parents. The event concluded with the presentation of graduation certificates and a reception, providing a perfect opportunity for photo sessions and celebration. This ceremony not only honoured the hard work and achievements of our students but also underscored the community spirit and support that make our school exceptional.

More photos to be added soon 📷

International Day

Reflecting on our vibrant International Day celebration held on Friday the 21st of June at RBIS!  From cultural activities to insightful lessons, our students embraced global awareness and unity. These photos capture the essence of fostering kindness, respect, and peace in our school community. 

Coral Reef Awareness Day

On Thursday, 13th June, RBIS International School celebrated Coral Reef Awareness Day! 

This Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) project, led by Mr Le Serre (Biology), aimed to raise awareness and inspire action to protect our beautiful but fragile corals. He was supported by Ms Paliwala (Chemistry), Mr Sein (Arts), and Ms Wild (Primary). Our Year 6 to Year 9 students collaborated in different teams to prepare for this wonderful event! 

We were honored to host Prof Dr Suchana Chavanich, a marine biologist from Chulalongkorn University, as our guest speaker. Her inspiring keynote speech was followed by oral presentations delivered by the students and a beautiful coral-themed art exhibition. Our students also had the chance to engage with Dr Chavanich about her work on the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event possible!  It provided our students with a fantastic opportunity to develop teamwork, research skills, and a sense of responsibility towards marine conservation! 

NASA workshop: Journey through the solar system

In the third installment of this exciting educational partnership between RBIS and HASSE (Houston Association for Space and Science Education), our students recently attended another live seminar by NASA astronauts, titled “Journey through the Solar System” which provided an inspiring look at our solar system and the numerous space missions dedicated to exploring the outer planets.

These distance learning sessions are aimed at offering students an unparalleled learning experience that extends beyond traditional classroom boundaries. It introduced the complexities and wonders of our solar system—home to our star, the Sun, bound by gravity and comprising planets, dwarf planets and countless other celestial bodies.

The presentation highlighted various space missions that have explored the outer planets. Notable missions such as Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, Ulysses, Galileo, Cassini, and the New Horizons probe, which journeyed to Pluto, were discussed. The astronauts shared insights into these spacecrafts' journeys, offering students a detailed look at the advancements and challenges of space exploration.

The session also touched upon recent missions like the Juno spacecraft, which entered Jupiter's orbit to study the gas giant’s atmospheric conditions, enhancing students' understanding of how solar-powered spacecraft operate at such great distances.

Activities such as these have significant educational benefits. By aligning real-world scientific endeavors with the school curriculum, they foster a deeper interest in science and technology among students. By interacting directly with astronauts, students gained a more tangible sense of the scope and scale of space exploration.

Additionally, understanding the vast distances involved, from the 93 million miles of one astronomical unit—the distance from Earth to the Sun—to the far reaches of the Oort Cloud at the edge of solar influence, has broadened students' perspectives on their place within the universe.

This collaboration serves not only as an educational tool but also as a source of inspiration. By bringing the cosmos into the classroom, we hope to ignite a passion for learning about space and encourage the next generation of scientists, engineers, and astronomers. As we continue to integrate these types of educational opportunities, we reaffirm our commitment to providing students with a curriculum that is both comprehensive and inspiring, ensuring that learning about the universe also means understanding our place within it.

Year 6 Transition Day

We are thrilled to share that our Year 6 students participated in a successful transition day on Tuesday the 11th of June. This special day gave them a glimpse into life in Year 7 and was filled with exciting activities and learning experiences.

Our students arrived at secondary school before 8 am and stayed until 3:15 pm, fully immersing themselves in the secondary school environment. They participated in flag raising, registration, and enjoyed break and lunchtime just like their future peers. Throughout the day, they attended six engaging lessons with our wonderful secondary teachers:

The day was designed to be interactive and fun, featuring hands-on experiments in science, creative problem-solving in Maths, and collaborative projects in drama. It was a fantastic opportunity for our Year 6 students to meet their future teachers, get to know their new subjects, and feel more confident about the exciting journey ahead in Year 7.

Thank you to all the teachers and staff who made this day memorable and successful. We are excited to welcome our new Year 7 students in the coming term!

Business Project Week

RBIS Business Week 2024 showcased a diverse array of student-presented business ideas to educators specializing in finance, business, and technology. 

Innovations included an educational app with advanced networking functionalities, a neuralink device augmenting human ability, a VR headset for tranquil and relaxation, a cost-effective interactive whiteboard, an immersive survival video game, financial services for upper-class people, and jewelry that integrated sustainable development. 

Throughout the event, participants engaged in real-world challenges such as market research and refining their presentation skills.

After careful discussion, the event culminated with two winning business projects: Academate, a learning app with buddy-study networking capabilities by Year 11 students, and BioNeutral, a neuron-link device by Year 10 students. 

These projects highlighted creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, fostering practical skills and inspiring future entrepreneurial pursuits.

Swimming Gala

On Friday the 14th of June, our school hosted an incredible Swimming Gala that showcased the talents of our amazing students! In the morning, our primary students competed, and in the afternoon, it was the turn of our secondary students to shine.

Here are some highlights from the day:

The Water Polo matches were a hit too:

Everyone did exceptionally well, with many medals handed out and some record-breaking times set!  Who will be able to beat these records next time? 

A huge congratulations to all our participants for their dedication and sportsmanship! 


6th Form Community Service Residential

Sixth Form Community Service Residential Day 1 

We arrived at Pinkaew School and  were greeted by the school director, teachers and children; they presented us with a welcome assembly where we introduced ourselves to the teachers and children. After introduction, we gave each child and teacher hello cards with Thai and English messages. After a tasty lunch we enjoyed playing board games with children and it lasted for one hour. Awei said that ''the kids were engaging in conversation and surprise that they were so confident and welcoming''.

After the excitement of board games we divided into two groups where group one Poom, Awei and Mei began teaching children English. We taught them how to introduce themselves and learning basic vocabulary such as fruits and vegetables. After teaching Poom said "it was a grateful thing to see the children learning English". 

Group two consist of Jericho, Mariha, Le Pain and Hugo they began painting the mural. "It was very therapeutic and it was surprise to see children picking up the brushes and started painting" added Jericho. We were very surprise to see the children joining in spontaneously.

The first day was wonderful thanks to the participation of the children.

Written by Poom (Y.13) and Awei (Y.13) 

Photograph by Mariha year 13

Sixth Form Community Service Residential Day 2 

To start the day, we had a tasty English breakfast. We then watched the flag ceremony and the morning routines of the school. Shortly after, we split off into two groups, one for painting and the other for teaching English to the year 6 class in the morning. The kids quickly picked up the words and phrases, and enjoyed the games we prepared for them. Meanwhile, work continued on the mural painting. 

Once again, the students continued to be engaged in both the English camp and mural painting. We were also impressed by the art skills of the students as they independently set about their tasks. Lunch followed and then we had the opportunity to do some work on the library. Our goal today was to paint the stairs and railings which had been repaired. 

We thoroughly enjoyed actively taking part in the renovations of the library. Whilst we were busy carrying out our afternoon session, Hugo and Poom spent time preparing our evening meal. 

The students bravely carried out a “Friend Survey” where we filled in information including our names/nicknames, age and nationalities.  

Le Pain said; “Even though the students were shy, they are extremely smart and always had a smile on their faces.”

Written by Mariha and Jericho 

Photograph by Mariha year 13

Photograph by Mariha year 13

Photograph by Mariha year 13

Sixth Form Community Service Residential Day 3 

The breakfast on Wednesday 19th was boiled rice with pork, bread, and omelette. In the morning session, Jerico, A Wei, Poom, and Ms. Reid taught action, self introduction, and head-shoulder-knee-toes to the kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2. Poom taught Thai to Year 2 for 1 hour. 

Mei, Hugo, and Poom wrote the animals in both Thai and English on one of the murals. Everyone then hand painted the blank spaces on the wall. Also, students from Pinkaew School helped us using their 'coloured' hands to paint the walls. 

We had Suki for lunch, then we recapped  what we taught to Grade 3, 4 and 5 during their last English lesson. Additionally, Mei and Le Pain cooked stir-fried cabbage and fried chicken for our dinner. 

"Having the kids helping us with painting sped up the process and made it more enjoyable too." - Mariha (Y.13)

Written by Mei (Y.12)

Sixth Form Community Service Residential Day 4 

Today at Pinkaew School started with a hearty breakfast of Moo Ping, fueling us for the day ahead. After breakfast, we gathered to plan our activities. Mr. Reed’s painting group diligently worked on putting finishing touches on their artwork, focusing on black outlines and touching up any missed spots. They began varnishing their pieces, ensuring they would endure.

Meanwhile, Ms. Reid’s English EAL camp was in full swing, concentrating on reinforcing the language skills learned throughout the week. The goal was to prepare the students for the afternoon's language role plays.

Throughout the day, we hosted the eagerly anticipated EAL competition. Students showcased their language abilities by engaging in basic conversations. Each participant demonstrated phrases like "Hello, my name is Tin and I am 13 years old." It was a challenging yet gratifying event, witnessing the progress made by both our sixth formers and Pinkaew’s students. Every student was awarded a cuddly toy for their efforts. We also gave out cuddly toys to the Pinkaew staff for supporting us during this community service residential. Mr. Reed also treated the sixth formers and Ms. Reid to a cuddly of their own for all their hard work! 

By the end of the day, every mural was completed! Amazing to think that there are three unique pieces of RBIS art on display for everyone to see.

Today was another fulfilling day at Pinkaew School, filled with hard work and joyous moments as we celebrated the achievements of the Pinkaew students. 

“The students were so grateful when they received their gifts and it is great to see the impact we’ve made.” - Mei (Y12)

Written by Ms Reid

Sixth Form Community Service Residential Day 5

Our last day began with a visit to the temple; this was the daily morning gathering attended by members of the public.  For those of us not familiar with temple we saw the monks receiving food and carrying out their daily chanting for those in attendance. It was an interesting start to the day and meant much to our students.  

After breakfast we went to see the kindergarten children as they sang and played the English songs they had learned.  They were brilliant, as were our 6th formers who were dancing and singing with the children.  Once they finished we gave each of the children a cuddly toy for being so good.

After a snack we decided to end out time at Pinkaew School by  playing board games. The children really enjoyed the games on day 1 and their enthusiasm for the activities was just as strong.  We spent an hour enjoying games such as 'snakes and ladders', 'noughts and crosses' , connect 4, uno and more.  It was a great way to end our time at the school.

After taking some photos of the children at their murals we had lunch. There  was just one task left; we gave each of the children a bag of snacks as we said goodbye.

Our time was at an end and we said goodbye to the director and teachers; we began the journey back to Bangkok, tired but happy as we thought about the week we had spent at Pinkaew School.

Written by Mr Reed

6th Form reflection of their time at Pinkaew School.

"This trip was profoundly enriching and satisfying because of the children. Connecting with them through the English Camp and mural painting was a joy. Hearing them use the English we taught and witnessing our impact on them will always bring a smile to my face."   Jericho y13

"I felt so happy seeing the children smiling because we come back to visit them again. It was wonderful seeing them enjoy their English lessons and they really liked painting the murals."    Poom y13

"The trip to Pinkeaw School give me opportunity to do many things such as teaching and painting big walls. All the students worked really hard to learn English which made me feel good."   Le'pain y12 

 "Seeing the students again after a while was great, I got the chance to make some more friends who I will definitely miss a lot. I hope they enjoy the murals we spent the whole week on, I think it adds so much colour and livens the school up more."     Mariha y13

"This community service trip was a very memorable experience for me as I was able to help some children before leaving secondary school. I am also surprised the students had some communication skills in English and participated in various games. "       Awei y13

"The children at Pinkaew School have  hearts of gold, and they showed eagerness for knowledge, making the lessons endearing."     Mei y12

"I found the community service residential at Pinkaew School incredibly inspiring, thanks to the dedication of the sixth formers and the amazing teachers and students who made the experience unforgettable."          Ms Reid

While we were at Pinkaew School work was undertaken on the library which had been hit by termites. Many of the wooden walls had to be replaced and the work was carried out by a team experienced in such work.  While at the school we had the opportunity to paint the stairs and outdoor landing but the walls were high up and the supporting platforms for people to stand on while working a bit unsuitable for our 6th form students.  Our funds were enough to almost complete all the repairs and  we wait for photographs showing the library  when the job is fully completed.  Our thanks for your contributions allowing this necessary work to be carried out.

Many of the walls of the library were destroyed by termites.

Many of the walls of the library were destroyed by termites.

A view from inside the library showing the extent of the repairs.

The wooden railings needed to be replaced

Thai studies trip to Chonburi

On Friday, 7th June 2024, secondary students from Year 7 to Year 13 embarked on an enriching Thai Studies trip to Sattahip, Chon Buri.

HTMS Chakri Naruebet: Our journey began with a visit to HTMS Chakri Naruebet, where students learned about the vital roles of naval ships in military operations, national defense, and social assistance by the Royal Thai Navy.

Royal Thai Navy Sea Turtle Conservation Centre: Next, we explored the Sea Turtle Conservation Centre, gaining insights into the conservation efforts for sea turtles and the sustainability of Thailand's marine ecosystem.

Nang Rum Beach: For lunch, we visited the serene and picturesque Nang Rum Beach. Besides enjoying its natural beauty, students discovered the statues of characters from "Phra Aphai Mani," a classic Thai literary work by Sunthorn Phu, enriching their understanding of Thai literature.

This trip was a key part of our Thai Language and Culture Curriculum, aligned with the Ministry of Education (MOE). It beautifully combined outdoor education and an appreciation for Thai culture, providing our students with a memorable and educational experience.

Winning house trip to Dreamworld 

An exciting and enjoyable day was spent at Dreamworld to celebrate the Dragon House's victory in the houses competition. The day was filled with laughter, excitement, and unforgettable moments that will stay with us forever! 

Year 7 PE

Our Year 7 students have been engaging in field hockey lessons during PE this month. Prior to each session, students typically engage in a series of warm-up exercises to prepare their muscles for the upcoming workout. This routine may involve stretching, jogging, other dynamic movements, and playing games to enhance reaction time. We have covered fundamental field hockey skills such as the passing, dribbling and shooting. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have further honed their sporting abilities. 

Year 8 History

This month in Year 8 History, our students delved deeper into the fascinating realms of the Middle Ages. Building upon their previous studies, they continued to expand their understanding of daily life during this pivotal historical period. Through engaging activities and immersive learning experiences, students explored various aspects of medieval society, including the roles of different social classes, the structure of medieval towns and villages, and the daily routines of both peasants and nobility. 

Additionally, Year 8s embarked on an intriguing journey into the study of witchcraft during this era. This topic sparked lively discussions and critical thinking as students explored the cultural, religious, and legal perspectives surrounding accusations of witchcraft in medieval society. Through analyzing case studies and examining primary documents, students developed a nuanced understanding of how superstition and fear intersected with social and religious norms during this tumultuous period of history. This exploration not only enhanced their historical knowledge but also encouraged them to consider broader questions about belief systems, justice, and the impact of societal attitudes on individuals throughout history. 

Year 9 Drama

Year 9 students recently concluded their Key Stage 3 drama curriculum with a series of assessments showcasing their talents in performing arts. They could either present an emotional monologue from Lemn Sissay's "Refugee Boy" or perform a two-actor scene from "Sweeney Todd," with one student portraying Todd and the other, Mrs. Lovett. These performances allowed students to delve deeply into character development and emotional expression, demonstrating their ability to effectively convey complex feelings and narratives.

Throughout these assessments, the students exhibited various drama skills cultivated during Key Stage 3, including powerful voice projection, precise articulation, and a keen sense of timing. They also displayed solid spatial awareness, effective use of body language, and the ability to maintain focus and concentration during performance. Their dedication to character immersion and scene dynamics was evident, leaving Ms. Reid impressed with their performances. She commended their hard work and commitment, noting their significant progress in mastering the key elements of drama, such as collaboration, creativity, and critical reflection.

Y.10 - 13 

What's Going on?

Year 10 IGCSE English

Rock and Pop Narratives

After having successfully completed their mock IGCSE First Language English papers for end of year examinations, our Year 10 class embarked upon a cultural and historical project that sought to identify both messages of consciousness and the poetic meanings within  a variety of song narratives. 

The  narratives explored included: socio-political commentary ("Cult of Personality" by Living Colour and "Toxicity" by System of a Down), situational irony ("Ironic" by Alanis Morrissette), isolation, addiction and personal introspection ("Under The Bridge" by Red Hot Chili Peppers and "Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind), and also historical revolution ("Wind of Change" by Scorpions). Through its compelling imagery, metaphors and emotionally charged lyrics, the "Wind of Change" resonates with listeners as a timeless anthem of change and hope for  a brighter future. 

Year 11 Swimming

At the conclusion of this term, Year 11 students dedicated themselves to mastering the essential skills for competitive swimming. Through rigorous and disciplined practice, they have shown remarkable improvement. These students are known for their competitive spirit and thrive in the school. Their outstanding physical prowess, combined with their exceptional skills, has propelled many of them to achieve impressive victories and secure top positions in various competitions. 

Year 12 PSHE

In Year 12, students have been actively honing their university readiness through dedicated sessions PSHE education. They have been focusing on essential skills crucial for their future careers, including making informed career choices, creating comprehensive portfolios, and preparing to excel in interviews. PSHE workshops and individual counselling sessions have provided students with the tools to explore diverse career paths aligned with their interests and strengths. These sessions have equipped them to navigate the complexities of the job market, understand industry trends, and make informed decisions about their academic and professional trajectories.

Furthermore, Year 12 students have diligently developed portfolios that serve as tangible reflections of their academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal growth. These portfolios not only demonstrate their skills and experiences but also highlight their commitment to lifelong learning and development. Alongside portfolio creation, students have been refining their interview skills, learning to effectively communicate their strengths and career aspirations. This preparation extends beyond academic excellence to emphasise qualities such as resilience, adaptability, and leadership potential—qualities essential for success in higher education and beyond.

Looking forward to Year 13, students are preparing to gain practical work experience through structured placements relevant to their chosen fields. This hands-on experience will not only enhance their resumes but also provide invaluable insights into applying academic knowledge in real-world settings. Together, these PSHE initiatives underscore the school's dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills and confidence to thrive in their future careers and contribute meaningfully to society.

  Year 13 HSD fine art

Our HSD Art students have been showcasing their creativity and dedication by engaging in project work after the completion of their exams. This initiative allowed them to explore new artistic techniques and express their individual styles. The projects ranged from sketches to vibrant paintings, reflecting the diverse talents within our student body. The enthusiasm and effort they put into these works were truly inspiring, culminating in an impressive display of artistic achievement. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and look forward to seeing their continued growth as artists.


4 houses

The RBIS Houses are designed to embody the values and ethos of our school and are an integral part of our school community.

Our Houses' main aim is to provide every student in each house with a sense of belonging within the school community, opportunities to develop social, intellectual, physical and practical skills, a sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom including through the fun and excitement of inter-house competitions.

Students are assigned to one of our four Houses when they join the EY, Primary or Secondary sections of the school; entering a system which is designed to develop an awareness of individual and collective responsibility and opportunities for student leadership. Each house has two designated elected House Captains  (Primary and Secondary) who will act as representatives for all the students in their house throughout the year by: helping coordinate house teams, organise activities and events and represent their house at relevant meetings.

House events at Secondary (June) : 

Volleyball final

After trailing by 13 to 11 points, the Dragons rallied and defeated House Unicorn decisively with a score of 23 to 16, to win the final.

House  ranking

(Based on the HP earned since the start of the school year)

House Point Leaderboard

(Based on the HP earned since the start of the school year)

Student achievements


RBIS is proud to announce it is a global member member of ROUND SQUARE which is a prestigious international organisation with schools in over 50 countries, across six continents. 

It focuses on holistic education practices through the following six key IDEALS: 

Internationalism: Students are taught to value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature. 

Democracy: Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums and channels of communication are in place for students to voice their views. Students are also taught to appreciate the importance of self-discipline and are trained and expected to share in the responsibility for development of the school. 

Environment: Round Square students are expected to demonstrate concern for all natural environments, to be aware of proven problems and to play a practical role in tackling environmental issues. Students are taught the interdependence needed to maintain a healthy relationship between human beings and the planet. 

Adventure: Building character through adventure, meeting physical challenges and developing an appreciation of the outdoors: these are all central to Round Square schools.

Leadership: Students are taught that true leadership is found in those whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice. Opportunities for student leadership in the school community are fostered extensively. 

Service: This is the key element utilised by Round Square schools to prepare students for life through the expectation of serving others. Students commit themselves to local, regional and international service projects. 

Round Square related events at Secondary (June) : 

Exchange program opportunity

We are looking for any families interested in being part of an exchange program with a Round Square school in South Africa. 

A reciprocal exchange can be set up by mutual discussion between families. 

When: Between January - March 2025

Who: Students aged 15 - 16 years

Where: Cape Town, South Africa and Bangkok, Thailand

If you want your child to benefit from this exciting exchange program opportunity through our Round Square network, please contact Ms. Sahar Paliwala, our Round Square Representative, at

Community service at Secondary (June) : 

The last pick up for this school year.  Once again  we had a substantial  amount of plastic recyclables which we collected in 3 weeks.  Our students understand  the need to recycle and we thank them for their contributions.  Our 'pick up' agent 'Cirplas'  have just announced they have changed their name to 'Cir Mat' and they have a new partner.  We will keep you updated, meanwhile we continue to do our bit to help the environment.  'Cir Mat' shares with us data after every collection which will post here in our newsletters.  This month we handed over 78.40 kg of recyclables.

Community Service Point Leaderboard

(Based on the CSP earned in June)

Community Service Point Leaderboard

(Based on the CSP earned since the start of the school year)

Alumni of the month

Louisa Concepcion A. Carredo (Louie) who graduated from RBIS in 2016

I was a student of RBIS from 2004-2016, Years 1-11, During my time there, the education I received was really thorough and the teachers were considerate and creative in the ways they taught us. Classes were engaging, with projects to supplement our learning and dedicated days where we were given opportunities to live out the lives we read about in our history lessons. Learning at RBIS extended outside the classroom too! I had visits to countless museums, went on residential trips outside the city to experience the culture of Thailand firsthand and was even encouraged to participate in inter-school competitions like Tournament of Minds by my teachers.


As a non-native to Thailand, I had the opportunity to be taught special Thai classes to improve in the language and get to know the culture better—something that was really invaluable as I ended up living in Thailand until 2016. I also got to take up French and got two diplomas in my time at RBIS, as well as getting an IGCSE in French—which ended up being really useful as I had to take up the language again in university.


Aside from a good preparatory educational experience, my time at RBIS was filled with fun memories of my peers and classmates because of the many opportunities to join in sports activities like Sports Day and Swimming Gala. Being a student of RBIS meant getting to know everyone around you. My younger brother and I even had the chance to lead the Dragon House team for Secondary and Primary respectively which was a great lesson in leadership.


After leaving RBIS, I got my Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management while serving as a News Editor and Writer for my university’s publication. A few of our releases were given National Student Publication  Awards. Post-graduation, I did a lot of freelance writing projects and even taught for a while before beginning at Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation, which is a non-profit company that aims to sustain and promote the growth of the Philippines’ furniture and arts industry. As one of the heads of Marketing in my company, my role involves project management and participation in furniture exhibitions and art shows. I also meet with international clients often to market my country’s craftsmanship, and assist in carrying out training programs to pass skills like weaving and pottery to our local youths. Overall, it’s a very dynamic and fulfilling job.


I’m very grateful for my RBIS education and experience for developing in me the curiosity to keep learning and the drive to do well. I am also thankful for the people—teachers, staff and friends—for making my time in both RBIS and Thailand something I look back on fondly.

Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation

Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation

Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation

ECA Focus

Sewing club

The after-school sewing club, which met on Mondays, provided students with a creative and relaxing outlet, enhancing their fine motor skills and encouraging patience and attention to detail. The club offered a structured yet fun environment where students could unwind after a busy school day while learning valuable skills. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, participants explored various sewing techniques, from basic stitches to more complex projects.

The students had a wonderful time, engaging in activities such as cross-stitching and crafting their own stuffed animals. These projects not only fostered a sense of accomplishment but also built a strong sense of community among the participants as they shared tips and celebrated each other's progress. The club's collaborative atmosphere and hands-on activities made it a highlight of the week for many, proving that learning new skills could be both educational and enjoyable.

Upcoming events