Mary najar

I attended Central Washington University and earned a double major in Elementary Education and Special Education. My love of all things tech prompted me to pursue a Technology in Education master’s degree from Lesley University. I have over 19 years of experience in the classroom, teaching grades 3rd-5th, as a reading interventionist, and also spent time as a special education resource room teacher. I jumped at the chance to join the Pearl Faculty at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year. I enjoy working with families to support student learning across the state and the variety of opportunities available at PEARL. In addition to working with families, I teach Zoom classes and coordinate the easyCBM assessment school-wide.

I love spending time with my family and supporting my own children in their academic and sporting pursuits. We have a boxer, Java, who I often refer to as my co-worker! I would have a whole pack of dogs if my family approved. Over the past 20 years, we have lived in Virginia, Connecticut, and Hawaii but are so happy to return to Washington (Poulsbo) and call it home for good. After living in so many places, we have the travel bug. My favorite trip to date is a two week camping trip in New Zealand where my family and I explored glaciers, glowworm caves, and geothermal pools! In addition to travel, I enjoy reading (especially historical fiction), exploring the outdoors, and watching/attending sporting events (Go Sounders, Kraken, Seahawks, and Mariners!).

