julia kilcullen

This is my eleventh year as a PEARL teacher and I absolutely LOVE my job!  I have a Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology, a Post-Baccalaureate in Elementary Education, and a Master's of Education in Elementary Mathematics.  Working with students and families is so exciting and rewarding to me and I always look forward to finding out about the latest creative, inspiring projects my students do.  In addition to being a PEARL teacher, this year is my second year as PEARL HiCap Coordinator.  Supporting gifted students and their families has been a long standing passion for me, and I am so excited to have the opportunity to step into this role in PEARL.  Finally, I am so enthusiastic about all things-PEARL that, in addition to being a PEARL teacher, I am also a PEARL parent.  My eight year old is in her third year as a PEARL student and loves it as much as I do :)


I live near Port Ludlow, WA with my husband Robby and our two children--Willow (eight years old) and James (we call him Jem) (five years old).  We share our home with our two adorable little dogs and our delightful and unique cats.  My family and I love to garden, hike, explore beaches, and generally spend as much time outside as possible.  I really enjoy the visual arts and am always trying to squeeze in some sort of art projects to my busy life. When I find time, I also love to read and write fiction.  Some of my favorite things to learn about and talk about are animals and nature in general, geology, paleontology and archaeology, arts and crafts, ancient history and English Medieval and Renaissance history, baking, and anything to do with a good book.


