Beth Armstrong

It is exciting to get to join the PEARL team as a teacher and substitute teacher. My husband (Travis) and I, along with our five children (ranging age 6-18), live in Longview, Washington. Three of our children have been enrolled in PEARL for the past few years, and I started looking for PEARL positions because I loved our experience with PEARL.


I wanted to be a teacher when I was nine years old, and my love for teaching has never waned. I started teaching second and third grades in 2000 in Oregon. I stopped teaching full-time when we had our first child to stay home as a full-time parent, but substitute taught as time allowed and wrote math curriculum for several years as well. We have homeschooled or used a parent partnership ALE program (depending on the years) for our children over the last 11 years. I volunteer with our local homeschool co-op and enjoy building community while also allowing our children to enjoy a variety of elective classes.


Personally, I love traveling (as our life schedule will allow with active children), paddle boarding, reading books, playing board games, and enjoying conversations on the front porch with any family or friends who visit. Hiking to waterfalls, watching sunsets, and enjoying anything we can do as a family are favorites of mine as well. I also love a good bonfire, especially if it includes roasting marshmallows and sitting out under the stars.
