Your Guide to Online Communication

What are the expectations of students in the online classroom?

  • Demonstrate respect in the online classroom by following instructions and actively engaging in and contributing to each activity.

  • Be polite in all interactions and use appropriate language in all interactions.

  • Practice patience - we are learning together. Some students may need more time than others to understand. Be mindful that your teacher is actively working to consider and cater for the needs of all students in the classroom.

  • Be prompt to online lessons. Rolls will be marked at the beginning of lessons. Please notify your teacher if you are late or cannot attend an online lesson with an explanation.

  • Dress appropriately, dress code is mufti school dress.

  • Participate and ask questions. If you need to ask a question, use the Wave (type (hi)) emoji or type your question into the Chat box.

  • Access your class videos. The classroom teacher will be recording the key instructional aspects of each lesson. This recording will be shared in the Teams space approximately five to ten minutes after the lessons ends. Students are not permitted to make personal recordings or share recordings of lessons outside of the Pymble Ladies' College community.

When should I expect my teacher to respond to my emails?

Teachers will respond to your emails as soon as possible but please allow up to 48 hours. As a rule, you should expect your teacher to be available between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm each school day. Please don't expect responses outside of these hours.

Are there rules around recording lessons and sharing recordings of lessons?

The classroom teacher is responsible for recording the key instructional aspects of each lesson. This recording will be shared in the Teams space approximately five to ten minutes after the lessons ends.

Students are not permitted to make personal recordings or share recordings of lessons outside of the Pymble Ladies' College community.

Using emojis in Teams

You can send messages and announcements to your teacher in the Conversation thread in Teams.

The emojis on the left identify ways for you to alert your teacher during a lesson in case you need help, need to ask a question or have completed a task.