Learning Online

What can I do to get ready for my online lesson?

You can do the following:

  • Have Teams open on your device.

  • Ensure that you have the relevant worksheets/materials open. Aim to have reviewed this material prior to your lesson.

  • Have some writing materials.

  • Ensure the relevant applications and/or software needed for your subject are downloaded and open.

When I am online, what is my teacher expecting of me?

  • You are expected to behave as you would in a face-to-face class. Your interactions with your teacher and classmates should be respectful and courteous at all times.

  • Think carefully about how you contribute to chats, as your posts cannot be deleted by you.

  • You are expected to contribute to all online activities that your teacher sets.

  • Your teacher will not be online for the entire lesson but will check in with you before the lesson concludes.

  • You should complete the work set by your teacher by the end of the scheduled lesson.

  • Any unfinished work should be completed for homework.

Where will I find my worksheets and class materials that the teacher will expect me to use?

All worksheets and classroom materials can be found on your Canvas VC. Consult your subject specific courses on the VC for these materials. Your teacher will direct you towards the resources and materials you need to use and consult.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email and/or message your teacher directly.

What should I do when my teacher is explaining coursework online?

  • Your teacher will deliver some information online. Sometimes the information they deliver via Teams will vary. They may describe, explain, analyse and/or evaluate a topic, idea, problem, text, concept and/or subject specific question you could listen actively and write brief notes as they talk. Remember, relevant parts of the lesson will be recorded so you can always revisit it later if you have forgotten something or need to listen to it again.

  • Your teacher may outline and explain an activity that they want you to complete listen and ask questions in the Chat to clarify if you have any questions.

  • Always reach out and seek clarification from your teacher if you are confused. You can do this by writing a comment in the Teams Chat or send an email.

How do I ask a question when in the online classroom?

Alert your teacher using the wave emoji or submit the question via the Teams Chat box. For more information, click here.

Will I still be able to work in groups when online?

Yes. Your teachers will continue to set activities that will allow you to work with your peers and to learn together. Please take note of instructions and expectations around group work established by your teacher.

How will I submit my work and get feedback?

You will continue to use your Canvas VC to submit work for feedback as per normal submission and feedback routines. Look to the Assignments section.

If I am having difficulty with classwork after the lesson is over, where can I get help?

We understand that remote learning is a new approach to learning that may be uncomfortable to some students. If you need help or support, please reach out and make contact with one of the following people via email and outline clearly any challenges/questions you have.

  • Contact your subject teacher via email and outline clearly any challenges/questions you have

  • Education Support teacher

  • Your peers in the online classroom

How can I access Library resources remotely?

The Library has many digital resources which can be accessed electronically through the Pymble portal. http://pymblelc.libguides.com/condelibrary is the Library homepage (also linked to the Library button from the portal), everything is seamlessly accessible using eziproxy. You only need your school login credentials.

What are the College's expectations for students working in different time zones?

As much as possible, we are asking all students to follow Australian Eastern Daylight time for all live lessons. If a student is in a different time zone, he/she is expected to submit work for teachers’ feedback according to the established deadlines. Students are expected to access the recording for each lesson, engage in the lesson's activity and use the 'like' emoji to indicate their attendance.