Class Routine

The image below is a series of links, Click away and find the acorns.

Kennedy's Room


During Class

If you need a pass, please visit here and create your pass.

End of Class

Have A Great Day!

Daily Routine Extra Work Options

In high school, most parents are concerned about the progress in the general education curriculum; does my child pass their classes. Although this is important, it's not the sole focus of education and support. Growth in areas of weakness are just as or more important than homework. We will attempt to assist your child with expanding their growth in areas of identified needs with online and print resources. The most common areas are math, reading, executive skills and social skills. Above are a few options we offer, but not a limited list. Please encourage your child to participate in extended learning at home and out of the classroom. 

Executive Skills Survey

At some point this year, complete this survey to get an assessment of your executive skills. 


Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Just as an air traffic control system at a busy airport safely manages the arrivals and departures of many aircraft on multiple runways, the brain needs this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses. (Harvard, Center on the Developing Child)

Have some free time?

Free Choice time requires permission. You must complete an "Executive Skills Assessment" and your "Tranisitioon Assessments."


Looking for some one-to-one time? Book an appointment and I'll call or video conference with you. 

Meet Your Guidance Team

Johanna Burdin

Last Names ( A -De )

Victoria Caron

Last Names ( Di - Kh )

Marisa Emerson

Last Names ( Pf - Z )