Content Capture
What is Content Capture?
The University's recently reviewed and adopted Content Capture policy has a core underlying principle: all students should have access to learning from all formal teaching sessions regardless of whether they are able to physically attend. Our blended and connected approach to teaching makes this core principle even more important. To ensure clarity a separate policy has been created for staff members and students as well as a Frequently Asked Question document about the policy itself.
The policy provides staff with the scope to generate a range of content that meets the core principle. For example, this might mean creating support materials such as enhanced notes for lecture slides or written summaries of sessions. Content capture can also mean the recording of slides on your computer with audio and/or video – for which the University specifically purchased the ideal system: Panopto.
Using Panopto
Panopto is an all-in-one video solution that works seamlessly with Moodle and on any device (Windows, Mac, browser, in-Moodle, mobile app). With a single click you can capture the contents of your computer screen, along with your audio commentary and, if you wish, a video of yourself; your content is then automatically uploaded to the platform and is available online, on-demand.
The platform has a built-in search facility so students can search your content by keyword. Captions, which can be edited, are applied automatically.
Problems using Panopto?
If you are encountering any difficulties or being prompted to login multiple times, it is possible that your browser is preventing Panopto from knowing who you are. Panopto relies on cookies for authentication to ensure the correct users have access to the correct videos. We have a guide here but if you have any problems contact
Why use Panopto?
Benefits for teaching
Content capture technology can be used in creative ways, and moves us beyond mere "lecture capture". We can use the technology to flip the classroom, of course, but also for: video feedback; live marking; explaining the rubric; pencasts; video tutorials; micro-lectures; assignment hand-ins; capturing lab or experimental sessions; vlogging...
We encourage staff to explore the options offered by this new technology.
Benefits for learning
The Content Capture policy outlines the important learning benefits that accrue when students have the ability to revisit all or part of a taught event. In particular, it:
Allows students to revisit points they did not understand in the session.
Provides support for students who are unable or find it difficult to take notes in class.
Helps students whose first language is not English.
Constitutes a valuable revision resource.
Offers an option for students who are unable to attend the session (e.g. due to illness or a caring responsibility).