Student Video Assignments

The process below describes how Panopto can be used by students to submit video assignments. The screenshots below will show both Panopto and Moodle systems and will require Lecturer and Creator access to both. It is strongly advised that it is discussed with your faculty Online Course Developers or the eLearn team to ensure students have the ability to both record and submit before the assignment due date.

**Please Note** Students will only have specifically dedicated creator access for the assignment folder within the Moodle unit. They will not be able to record, edit or place videos other than in that folder.

Online Guide

  1. Create your Moodle Assignment

Step 1

Visit the Moodle Module site where you wish the video assessment to take place. You will then create a Moodle Assignment in the same way you would with other Moodle assignment but ensuring care is taken over the points below.

Step 2

In the description, provide a clear explanation for students of both what needs to be contained in the recording and guidance on how to make their record using Panopto.

Step 3

From the Submission types settings, the Online text option needs to be ticked.

From the Feedback types settings the Annotate PDF option needs to be unticked.

It is crucial this is set up beforehand correctly otherwise both submission and marking will be affected.

Once these steps are complete you can Save and return to course.

Step 4

Visit go to Browse and find and select the Module for your assessment (you can begin to type it in if you are enrolled on a number of sites and it will appear). Press the cog button and click Create Assignment Folder this will create a subfolder where the students' recordings will be stored.

**Please Note** Creating the Assignment folder in Panopto, is what gives the students the ability to record. The Close link should not be pressed until all students have finished recording (including any late assessments). Should a folder be closed prematurely, pressing the Create Assignment Folder again will create a second folder. While this will not affect the academics ability to view embedded student recordings within the assignment, if they wanted to view them en mass on the Panopto site, they will find them in 2 different folders within the module.

2. Student Recording

Step 1

Direct students to and ask them to record using Panopto Capture via the create button. They can use the Quick Start instructions supplied on this site but we would still recommend a detailed description in the Assignment dropbox.

Step 2

Once a student has completed recording, their default folder is the Assignment subfolder created in the section above. They do not need to change this. We would recommend the student titles the video using your faculty assignment naming conventions (UP number, course acronyms) so that it is easily retrievable should support be needed.

3. Student Submission

The student would submit to the Moodle assignment in the standard way by visiting the Assignment dropbox and clicking add submission. They would then click the Panopto icon within the Online Text icons and find the video they wish to submit. This embeds the video into the Online Text box and allows the marker to view it. The student must save changes and then accept the standard assignment terms and conditions to submit their work.

4. Marking the assignment

An academic would mark the assignment in much the same way as other Moodle Assignments. Scrolling to the Online text column the marker is able to click on the link and view the video from its Panopto location. When it comes to marking, feedback can be typed directly into the feedback textbox or feedback files could be attached.

PDF Guides