Learning Well

The Learning Well framework has been designed as a whole-institution approach to fostering student wellbeing and inclusion, through embedding key learning with the curriculum, and offers learning and teaching resources to further these aims. Supporting the Principles of Blended Learning, the framework and resources promote teaching and learning which is accessible, inclusive, supportive, partnership-centred and aspirational.

Learning Well is a set of ready-made learning resources and activities which can be incorporated into blended learning courses in order to:

The Learning Well learning resources and activities introduce students to the 5 principles of the Student Charter as a scaffold for introducing mindsets, strategies and practices that support these aims. The approach provides a foundation for enlisting students as collaborators in constructing a more inclusive curriculum and learning environment, and a structured learning pathway to support student leadership and co-creation leading to recognition through the Active Change Leader award.

Learning Well promotes emotional literacy as the foundation for successful learning. Specifically, it promotes the development of a compassionate mindset towards self and others, recognising the role of emotions and emotion regulation in successful learning, and the particular importance of supportive connections and a sense of belonging for better facing learning challenges, recognising, acknowledging and valuing a diversity of voices and participating in communities of learning. 

An overview of Learning Well (Wellbeing for Learning) principles and current resources can be found below. This includes the Student Leadership framework and opportunities for current student Welcome Ambassadors to play a role in supporting new students.

The following learning resources are under development in a connected format:

Transitions module

A module within the open access web-based Transition to Blended Learning course, with independent online learning activities :

Learning Well course

The Learning Well course will be set up as a course within the Moodle course template to support induction and personal tutoring sessions, with suggestions for how this learning can be reinforced within regular small group teaching sessions. The key recommendations for engagement with the Learning Well framework to support blended learning are use of the personalised learning resource map and assigning students to a ‘key group’ for mutual peer support (see ‘Supportive’ page for more details).

The course/resources include Moodle books containing key input and activities, outlines for group discussion activities, and further reading/extension activity which the student can complete to consolidate learning via the student leadership and co-creation pathway. The activities are also available as stand-alone resources which can be embedded within your own course materials. The course consists of:

Although the resources are collated within this course format, they are designed to be flexible and can be embedded alongside the main curriculum in whatever way works best for the particular course. Consultation and support is available from DCQE staff if needed. 

Student leadership and Active Change Leader award

The extension materials include short assessment activities which allow students to gain recognition for their Learning Well learning by mapping on to the Speak UP Step UP student leadership learning pathway. 

Leadership in this context is defined as being a role model and making an active contribution to the learning community, and does not just refer to identified roles or positions. It therefore includes participation in a variety of learning partnership activities, which could include development of bespoke peer support/mentoring roles. 

The Speak UP Step UP Leadership pathway can also be completed by students independently, to support their extracurricular leadership and self-development activities. Current Welcome Ambassadors could play a role in co-creating peer support in the course, school or Faculty context to support development of community and connection.

The course consists of 4 modules: 

Following completion of  Module 1, students maintain a ‘leadership portfolio’ of all their co-creation and informal and formal leadership activity. This and completion of the further learning contributes towards recognition via the Active Change Leader award.


Further wellbeing and learning resources