Using Data to Drive Your Instruction

Data is extremely important in education. This course explains how and why we use data in education. You will also explore the different types of data and how we can use it to drive instruction.

This badge is awarded to those who have completed the Using Data to Drive Instruction Coursework.

Following the completion of this course, you will be awarded the Data in Education Badge and 10 Points.

Session 1: Why is Using Data Important?

Data is extremely important to drive instruction. It can show us what to teach, how to teach it and who to teach it to. So, why do we use data? The resources in this session will provide reasons on why we use data in education?

When you have finished looking at the resources for session 1, go to the worksheet and answer the session 1 questions.

Session 2: Data in Education

What kind of data do we use in education? Data can come from all different sources. At Pitman, we use LinkIt! as one source of data. This session will guide you on the different types of data and how do use them in the classroom.

Quantitative Data and Qualitative Data

Data is divided into two categories, quantitive and qualitive. Understanding the similarities and differences between the two helps us organize and use the data to drive instruction.

Where do we get our data and how do we use it to drive instruction?

Pitman educators have access to two very valuable sources of data:

  • PowerSchool

  • LinkIt!

If you don't use these items, there are many other ways to get and collect student data.

LInkIt! Big 3 Data Points (order of ease and analyzing reports)

  • Class Diagnostic

  • Grouping

  • Item Analysis

First 30 Days - PARCC From LinkIt!
Coursework Pitman Turn Key Slides

Session 3: Using the Data to Drive your instruction

Using the chart below, go through each phase of data-driven instruction and create something based upon the results of your data. This could be a lesson plan, project, student performance goals or anything else you can think of that shows the use of data. Submit the completed assignment through the Credly Portal Data Badge on the right.

1. Complete and share the: Using Data to Drive Instruction Worksheet

2. Upload what you have created that shows the use of data to the Credly Portal. You can click on the badge on the right.