The Basics

What is the UA?

The Undergraduate Assembly (the UA) is the only elected, representative organization of undergraduates at the Penn, charged with improving life for all students through funding, services, and advocacy.

The UA has five roles:

  1. we lobby for tangible change at Penn based on student needs,

  2. we represent students to administrators and outsiders,

  3. we bring students together from different groups and identities,

  4. we provide services to improve student’s quality of life,

  5. we fund the other branches of student government and by extension all student groups on campus.

Establishment of the UA:

The UA was established by the Board of Trustees in 1972, and was given the following charge:

“(Article 9, Section 5) There shall be an Undergraduate Assembly… [which] shall provide the opportunity for [its] members to discuss and express their views upon any matter they deem to be of general University interest, and to make recommendations and pass resolutions with respect thereto. In addition, they shall have power to make recommendations directly to the President, the Provost, and the Trustees and request reports from the University administration.”

In addition, the UA’s Constitution establishes the UA for the “responsible and effective participation in the organization and control of the affairs of the University” and requires that the UA speak as “the one representative voice of all students”.

The UA governs itself according to the Statutes, given form in its Constitution (which also serves as the Constitution of the PSG), and Bylaws. The UA Constitution is only amendable by student referendum; the Bylaws detail the UA’s internal operations and can be amended by the General Body.

Governing Documents

The UA constitution outlines the fundamental principles and guidelines on which the UA, as well as the other five branches of Penn Student Government, governs itself. Nothing in the bylaws of any branch is allowed to conflict with this document, and this document can only be changed or amended by a student body referendum. The UA President, as the student body president, interprets all parts of this document.

The UA Bylaws were written to establish rules on the inner workings of UA business. These rules may not conflict with the UA Constitution but can only be changed or amended by a majority of elected UA members. The UA Speaker interprets all parts of these bylaws.

UA Archives 1999-Present