
Services Overview

One of the charges of the UA is to provide services to the student body. The UA currently operates two services yearly on its own, the Airport Shuttles Service and our Legal Services. Beyond that we also finance Penn Labs to provide various services to the student body, which include Penn Course Review, the Penn Mobile App, Penn Study Spaces, as well as many others. Penn Labs was instituted by the UA to (1) ensure that we could provide services that require computer skills that UA members may not have and to (2) guarantee that these services last from year to year. The UA also funds a graduate student mentoring program in conjunction with GAPSA, though GAPSA handles the coordination of that service. Any questions or suggestions about UA's services should be directed to the Secretary ( as the coordinator of the UA's services. Information about these services is also on the Penn UA website.

Airport Shuttles

Airport Shuttles are one of the most visible activities that the UA takes part in, sometimes earning us the nickname "Airport Shuttles Club." Every year, in partnership with Business Services, the UA provides shuttles to Philadelphia International Airport from the Upper Quad Gate for students departing for Thanksgiving Break and Spring Break. They are generally offered the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Thursday and Friday before Spring Break, once per hour at a range decided by the Airport Shuttles Committee.

The UA Secretary manages the Airport Shuttles committee, which can be reached at

Airport shuttle shifts count for committee attendance at a level determined by Exec. Please check back for more specific requirements for airport shuttle shifts (staffing a shift or marketing, etc.).

See below for examples of sign-up sheets and ticket tallying sheets and flyer below:

Example Sign-Up Sheet

Example Ticket Tally Sheet

Legal Services

The Undergraduate Assembly provides free legal counsel for all undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania. Sessions are approximately 30 minutes each and consultation can be given towards almost anything except a suit against the school. These sessions are especially useful to students in times of tough political climate.

Funding is provided by the UA and GAPSA and carried out by the Legal Services Coordinator of the UA. All communication between the Legal Services Coordinator, the University-appointed lawyer, and clients is completely confidential.

If you have any further questions, please contact this years Legal Services Coordinator at

Penn Labs

Penn Labs was established to work on technology-based projects for the UA. It is composed of paid student workers and is completely student-run. They have been responsible for projects like Penn Course Review, Penn Mobile, Pennvolvement, and more. Learn more about Penn Labs at their website here.

GAPSA Mentoring, Revamping soon.

The UA offers a graduate student mentoring program in partnership with GAPSA. The UA provides funding for this initiative, but the coordination is done by GAPSA. Learn more about this program here. This program was inactive in 2017-2018, but is intended to be restarted in for the 50th session.