External Seats

What are External Seats?

In addition to representing students within the UA body, members also have the opportunity to hold external seats -- positions on University-wide committees or advisory boards that exist to serve various purposes. Some of these seats are automatically assigned based on a position within the UA (for example, the UA President and Speaker are automatically the representatives to Penn Student Government Steering based on PSG Steering Bylaws), but the majority are decided at the discretion of Exec, taking into account the interests of the members and their availability to attend meetings. Some of these boards meet regularly and are strict about attendance, and others seem to exist in name only. This varies year-to-year.

External Seats

[EXT] 50th Session External Seat Representatives

University Council Attendance Guidelines

Traditionally, UA Exec has not required strict attendance at University Council meetings for its self-appointed delegates. Recently, however, the Executive Board began to monitor the attendance of its appointments, so that the Assembly may assure itself that those who are granted the power to represent the student body on University Council are in fact measuring up to the responsibility that this privileged position holds. The following are to be the guidelines for attendance:

  1. All University Council (UC) student delegates appointed to the UC are expected to attend all UC meetings and prep meetings—these conferences typically consist of a gathering of the student delegation to the UC the night before general body meeting and is hosted by the Vice President of the Undergraduate Assembly (UA);

  2. In the event that a UA-appointed delegate is absent for two meetings throughout the course of the academic year, the UA Executive Board shall have the power to relieve that individual of his or her duty as a University Council delegate;

  3. If the UA Executive Board decides to execute its writ of remittance, it will then have the authority to appoint a new student member to University Council in whichever way it sees most effective.