UA Contingency

What is UA Contingency?

The UA establishes an account for contingency funding each year in order to help out student groups in a time of crisis. One of the line items in the UA’s budget is the contingency fund. This is a small amount of funding dedicated to being the last resort for one-time costs that student groups may incur. Only after a student group has exhausted all other avenues of funding can the come to the UA. For this, the UA has especially prepared an alternate funding guide for any students interested in seeking alternate funding sources.

UA Contingency Guidelines

Below are the guidelines that the Budget Committee will use in considering contingency requests. These guidelines represent different categories that the Budget Committee uses to evaluate each request. The items below are guidelines, rather than binding rules, so exceptions may be made. However, the Budget Committee will strive to adhere to these standards when making contingency decisions.

View the Contingency Guidelines here.

45th Session Contingency Grants

View the 2017-2018 Contingency grants here.