
Executive Board Members ("Exec")

President -- Carson Shuemaker (C,W '23) -- president@pennua.org

Vice President -- Alex Eapen (C '24) -- vp@pennua.org

Speaker -- Xavier Shankle (W '24) -- speaker@pennua.org

Treasurer -- Yash Rajani (C '24) -- treasurer@pennua.org

Secretary --Hannah Liu (C '25) -- secretary@pennua.org

To reach all of Exec at once, email exec@pennua.org.

Responsibilities of the Executive Board

The UA Executive Board (exec@pennua.org) is charged by the UA Constitution with setting UA meeting agendas and discussing internal and external issues related to the UA. It has the right to invite anyone to meetings and may establish charges for the UA as a whole.

  • The UA President, who is elected by the entire student body, heads the UA Executive Board, and represents the undergraduate community to University administration, faculty, staff, students, and the wider world. The President is expected to have a personal, substantive policy platform and to be a singular “voice of all students,” here defined as a voice of the majority of students.

  • The UA Vice President, who is also elected by the entire student body, is responsible for managing the UA’s relations with students, student groups, and other governance groups at Penn, most notably through chairing UA Steering. The Vice President is the voice of the diverse communities at Penn and represents communities and constituencies that may or may not be engaged with the UA.

  • The UA Speaker, who is elected by the UA general body, chairs UA meetings, UA Cabinet, and facilitates all internal business, primarily through educating, supervising, and representing UA Members and Associate Members. The Speaker is the advocate of the Body and remains neutral on issues until they are resolved, communicating the views and opinions of the Body to key administrators.

  • The UA Treasurer is responsible for the Student Government Budget that appropriates over $2 million for all undergraduate government branches at Penn, as well as the UA’s $20,000 Contingency Fund and operational funds. The Treasurer leads the Budget Committee and projects relating to financing and budgeting.

  • The UA Secretary is responsible for record-keeping and managing services of the UA, including but not limited to Airport Shuttles, Legal Services, relations with Penn Labs, and other internal communications.

Exec will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. Exec meetings are private and off-the-record, but Exec reserves the right to invite UA members to their meetings to discuss matters of the UA.