Budget and Finance

Each year, the UA is allocated around $2.4 million dollars from the University to distribute to the six branches of Penn Student Government (PSG), as well as Penn Labs, MERT, and the pre-orientation programs. The budget allocation is designed by the Budget and Finance Committee, led by the UA Treasurer.

The UA as a whole must give advice and consent on the final budget allocation, which historically occurs over the course of three meetings in February. These meetings include presentations from the organizations that receive funding from the UA, debate over amendments to the budget, and finally, a vote on the budget allocation for the upcoming school year.

In addition, the UA holds a contingency fund, which is a last resort funding source for student groups. After groups have applied to all other sources of funding (i.e., SAC, T-Change, etc.), they may be considered for UA Contingency. The Budget Committee receives a request, makes a recommendation, and will present the request in front of the body for a vote. The student group that makes the request will also present, and the UA will vote on the recommendation.