Student Records &

Privacy - FERPA

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, better known as FERPA, of 1974, as amended, also sometimes referred to as ‘The Buckley Amendment’, is a federal law regarding the privacy of students’ educational records and the obligations of the institution primarily in the areas of release of the records and the access provided to these records.

An education record is defined as any record that is directly related to a student and is maintained by the institution or educational agency, or by a party acting for the institution or educational agency. Education records can exist in any medium including the following: handwritten, typed, computer generated, video tape, audio tape, film, microfilm, microfiche, email, and others.

Records can include information such as student ID number, grades and exam scores, grade point average, gender, age, conduct record, race and ethnicity.

When can educational records be shared?

There are very specific circumstances governing when student records can be shared. Please review the guidelines for release of student records before sharing any protected student records. In some cases you may be able to discuss protected student records with another department within PSU. A legitimate educational interest on the part of an instructor is usually limited to the academic history and degree attainment. Records such as financial aid, health, or conduct records are usually released within a very specific set of circumstances. A regular exception in the case of conduct is when a student is reported in your course for academic dishonesty. You have the right to know the outcome and consequences of any student you refer through this process.

To find out more information on FERPA, please visit the Registrar’s website at: