Campus Public Safety

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Campus Public Safety provides emergency response, safety escorts, and patrol services to the campus 24/7. CPSO works with our university partners to ensure that Portland State University is a safe place.

Campus Police

On July 1, 2015 Campus Public Safety deployed Campus Police Officers, who met the state requirements for certification and training. Officers are also utilizing the AXON Body Cameras and a data management system is in place, consistent with Oregon’s new legislation. Campus Police Officers have received training from the university on the following topics:

Work continues on recruiting and selecting qualified candidates for Campus Police Officer positions reflecting the diversity of the campus.

Campus Public Safety Officers

CPS Officers provide a visible presence while patrolling the campus and are available to assist students, faculty staff and visitors. They provide a first response in rendering aid, referring students to resources, and work closely with the Campus Police in keeping the Portland State University community safe.

Campus Dispatch

The Campus Public Safety Dispatch Center is the central hub to Public Safety operations. It is staffed 24/7 by specially trained staff.

Campus Dispatchers can assist callers in both emergency and non-emergency situations, such as: escort requests, suspicious activity, emergency medical, or officer assistance. Sophisticated telecommunications equipment, local area networks, and two-way radio systems provide the framework for communications.

All PSU Campus Dispatchers receive training through Oregon Police Academy and complete the Basic Telecommunicator certification course. Further, they receive, at a minimum, four weeks of on-the-job training followed by an evaluation period, where they receive additional feedback and coaching. Currently, most of our dispatch team works 10 hour shifts, with at least one dispatcher on duty at all times, and two dispatchers on duty during peak hours. 

Campus Dispatch manages the Lost & Found of misplaced valuable and crucial items (value of over $50) on the Portland State University Campus.

For additional information:

Lost & Found

The Campus Public Safety Office (CPSO) is a resource for persons that have misplaced valuable and crucial items on the Portland State University Campus. Valuable items are defined as items having a value of over $50. Crucial items are defined as items with personal information (i.e. prescriptions, wallets, purses, keys, cell phones, etc.)  that will require CPSO to attempt to notify the owner of lost property.

For additional Information:

Access Control


The Campus Public Safety Office is responsible for providing building access and codes pursuant to an authorized request.


The Lenel System is the University's official Fire and Security System for Portland State. If your department would like to request footage of video surveillance and alarm access, please fill out the Lenel Request Form and email it to

For additional Information:

Clery Act

The Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Reports are published online in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.

The intent of these reports is to inform the PSU community of the extent of reported crimes occurring in the previous calendar year. Data is collected from a variety of sources; including Portland Police Bureau, University departments such as the Campus Public Safety, Dean of Students Life, Housing and Residence Life, Athletics Department, Human Resources Center, Global Diversity and Inclusion, and the Women’s Resource Center.

Learn more about Clery at the Clery Center for Security on Campus.

Daily Activity Log

The Portland State University Daily Activity Log contains information on recent crimes and incidents that have occurred on the Portland State University campus and surrounding areas. The Crime & Fire Log (also known as the Activity Log) will be updated within two business days from the occurrence of the crime or incident. If you have any information regarding these crimes that could be helpful, please call 503-725-4407. The Daily Activity Log is available for viewing at Campus Public Safety.

According to Federal Law, an institution may withhold any of the required fields of entry (i.e. Classification, Date, Time, Location, and/or Disposition) if any of the following conditions apply:

PSU Alert & Timely Warnings

When Campus Public Safety learns of crimes covered by the Clery Act, it will consider whether to issue a campus-wide “timely warning” about the threat. If any other significant emergency or dangerous situation occurs on campus that creates an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, or otherwise warrants a notification, an “emergency notification” will be issued.

For additional information:

Frequently Asked Questions