Student Legal Services

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Classroom Presentations & Trainings

Student Legal Services is fortunate to have several lawyers on staff who are experts in different fields of law. Student Legal Services staff is available to give presentations to classes on a wide variety of legal topics including immigration issues, family law, debt, credit reporting, and bankruptcy, criminal law, confidentiality, and a host of other topics. Student Legal Services also collaborate with faculty to give co-curricular presentations on areas of topical interests to students, such as landlord tenant law, law school information, bankruptcy and debt issues.

Please contact us directly at 503-725-4556 to discuss or schedule a class presentation.

Faculty Opportunities on Campus

Student Legal Services welcomes faculty involvement in its advisory board. The advisory board offers an opportunity for faculty to provide input for this important student service. In addition, advisory board members make connections across campus and in the legal community.

Sexual & Relationship Violence Disclosure & Responsible Employee Status

Students affected by domestic or sexual violence may be eligible for assistance through Student Legal Services. Student Legal Services attorneys are experienced in representing students in restraining orders and stalking hearings. Student Legal Services is also available to advise on the myriad of other legal issues that can arise as a result of sexual assault. Unfortunately, Student Legal Services cannot assist if the assault or violence was perpetrated by another Portland State student, faculty, or staff. However, Student Legal Services has a number of referral resources that may be available in this situation.

For more information, please visit the SLS website at or contact us directly at 503-725-4556. After hours referrals should be made to the Portland Women’s Crisis Line. The Portland Women’s Crisis Line can be contacted at any time. They can be reached at 503-235-5333 or toll free at: 1-888-235-5333.

Other Faculty Partnership Opportunities

Student Legal Services is happy to provide faculty and staff with free notary services during our notary hours. Notary services for staff and faculty are free if the form is PSU-related. If it personal, then there is a $5 charge. Please see our website for the current notary walk-in hours. Student Legal Services will also provide legal referrals to faculty and staff upon request. Please contact their office for an immediate referral.

Supporting Transgender Students

There are a variety of services of particular interest to trans students through Student Legal Services. SLS can assist trans students with legal procedures such as legal name and gender changes. Student Legal Services also advises on many family law issues affecting trans students, such as domestic partnerships and divorce. For more information, please visit our website at or contact us directly at 503-725-4556.

Students can receive support through the Queer Resource Center for crisis support or coaching, and if your student has questions about medical support for transition, contact the QRC.

Other resources for trans students include:

For more information, please visit our website at or contact us directly at 503-725-4556.