Disruptive Behavior

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Important links:  CARE Team

Disruptive Behavior


Not all referrals of disruptive behavior are dealt with via our conduct system. Sometimes the behavior is a cry for help and we will work to alleviate the concerns through working with our PSU CARES program. PSU CARES is made up of professionals from across our campus, and our work focuses on students in distress and/or presenting a safety concern. Instructors are important partners in resolving these matters and supporting students in their continued success.

For referrals or conduct reports, call the Dean of Student Life Office at 503.725.4422, or visit https://www.pdx.edu/dean-student-life/student-conduct.

Contact the Campus Public Safety Office at 503.725.4407 (non-emergency), or email at cpso@pdx.edu.

Contact the PSU CARES Program at 503.725.4422 or visit https://www.pdx.edu/dean-student-life/care for more information.

Remember that as an instructor, you are empowered to manage your classroom in a way that all students are able to learn. As you experience challenging behavior, know that you have support and are not alone in this process. Our goal is to support you as instructors and students as they learn the limits of acceptable behavior on campus.

Important Contacts in the Dean of Student Life Office: 

Student Conduct & Campus Public Safety

The majority of students act in an appropriate and respectful manner. However, there are occasions when students will test the limits of acceptable classroom behavior. It is important to address this behavior so that a proper learning environment is maintained. If a student’s behavior obstructs or disrupts your ability to teach, or the ability of others to learn, you should take the following steps:

Clearly articulate expectations regarding attendance, tardiness, active class participation, contacting the instructor after hours, cheating, use of electronic devices, and appropriate conduct on the course syllabus. Specify the consequences, for example, reports to the Dean of Student Life Office, and follow through in a fair and consistent manner. The Dean of Student Life Office staff can assist you in drafting these documents. If any of the behaviors mentioned above are taking place, speak to the student privately and address them directly about your expectations. If the behavior is so egregious that immediate action is needed, feel free to ask the student to leave the class and file a report with the Dean of Student Life Office.

Keep in mind that students can be removed for the day, but have the material right to be a student in the course until permanent action is taken by the Dean of Student Life or Campus Public Safety Office. A referral or report to the Dean of Student Life Office can be in the form of a phone call or online submission. Our office regularly consults with faculty, staff and students in determining how situations should be handled with integrity, fairness, and an ethos of care.