Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)

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Center for Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)

The Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) is a community-based health care organization that provides high quality, accessible mental health, physical health, dental services, and testing services targeted to the needs of the PSU student population.

Students in Distress

Counseling Services staff are available to assist any student experiencing a mental health emergency or faculty/staff working with a student in distress. During business hours, students with immediate counseling needs can walk in and/or faculty/staff can walk a student over to the Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC). When SHAC is closed, the 24-hour Multnomah County Crisis Line can be of service to students for counseling and mental health related support and referrals. If you or a student in distress requires immediate response, it is best to contact the Campus Public Safety Office (CPSO). CPSO provides 24-hour response to all emergency situations on the Portland State University campus. CPSO regularly consults with SHAC and Dean of Student Life Office on any mental health related campus emergencies.

To contact SHAC, please call 503-725-2800. To reach the Multnomah County Crisis Line, please call 503-988-4888. To get in touch with the CPSO, please call 503-725-4407.

*Note that student health and counseling records can only be released with a signed release of information or for imminent health and safety concerns.

Don't Cancel Class

Can't make a scheduled class?

Don’t Cancel Class, we will take care of it for you!

Are you planning on canceling a class due to a conference, important meeting, or personal reason? We've got you covered! Please consider letting Illuminate or Health Promotion cover class for you and present to your students on various topics that affect students' lives. These workshops have been prepared and will be presented by undergraduate students and/or professional staff. We welcome the opportunity to talk with students about topics that directly influence their academic and personal success.

Schedule a Workshop

Most workshops are at least 45 minutes (but can be adjusted to fit your classroom time), and are offered the entire academic year. We are able to accommodate most classroom needs. Just head over to our website to learn more about scheduling and what we have to offer from our list of workshops.


PSU’s student sexual and relationship violence prevention programming, uses the power of prevention education to promote healthy relationships and sexuality by addressing the underlying social determinants of violence and to create equal and respectful relationships SHAC’s Health Promotion and Illuminate hope you consider utilizing Don’t Cancel Class, with a workshop on a variety of health topics that directly influence student academic and personal success, rather than canceling a class.