Studio Culture

Studio Culture

Your Workspace

Each student in a studio class is assigned a desk (or two desks for Master of Architecture students), a cabinet, and a stool for that term. You are responsible for keeping your furniture and your workspace clean and free of damage. You are also required to abide by all of the expectations listed in the Code of Conduct, which you will sign at the beginning of every term (see Forms and Documents). Failure to comply with these expectations may result in penalties.

Studio Learning Is a Social Contract

You have the distinct privilege of having your own work space in a shared studio; therefore, a few rules of conduct and etiquette must be followed.  Architecture students spend a tremendous amount of time working in a collective studio.  It is highly important to remember that studio learning involves maintaining a social contract among you, your classmates, and the School.  It is a fundamental right of every student to expect that he or she can work productively in the studio; as such, the studio is not a democracy and does not operate on majority rule. To address emerging issues each studio will elect two representatives to serve in the Studio Representatives Council, which communicates directly to the School Director via Communications Support Graduate Assistant at regular meetings throughout each term.


The 3rd floor of Shattuck Hall is considered a single studio space and is locked at all four entries at the top of the stairwells. These doors must NEVER be propped open as it will compromise the security of every student in studio. The door to the Rooftop Terrace must also never be propped open. Students on the terrace must have permission to use the space and be accompanied by a faculty member after 5 pm. You are issued a lockable chest for your belongings. Provide your own padlocks and be sure to lock down valuables (laptops, cameras, headphones, and smartphones especially) when you leave studio and when the School is hosting an event such as a critique or public exhibit that utilizes the 3rd floor and/or roof terrace beyond regular studio hours.

Safety and Health

Be especially careful to manage your work time with good judgment in balancing assignment needs with safe limits of physical endurance, in particular getting appropriate amounts of sleep. Don't put yourself in jeopardy to meet a deadline. Remember, also, this is an urban campus, so be very aware at all times. While on campus, if you see something that causes concern, please call Campus Public Safety’s non-emergency line at 503-725-4407.

Studio Environment

The overall studio environment is the responsibility of all the students taking studio classes -- make sure the space allocation is equitable and there’s a fire lane between desks. Work on/in your own space; don’t go to a fellow student’s desk or hallways to do messy or noxious work.  Keep the music and noise at a manageable level.  Majority rule for music does not apply; if a single person objects, turn it off or down, or switch to headphones.


Clean up your own mess on a regular basis.  Recycle as much as possible.  Food and drink go into garbage cans, not on worktables or someone else’s desk.  Put trash in cans; try to keep it clean around the end of projects.  If there is a facilities problem (light bulbs out, sink plugged, roof leaking, etc.), please contact Facilities at with your maintenance request or let the office staff know; we can put in a work order to Facilities to fix the problem ASAP.  Power tools that produce dust and noise are not to be operated in the studio.


No extension cords are permitted; all electrical devices must be plugged directly into outlets or approved power strips.  No smoking, vaping, drugs, or alcohol anywhere. Theft or vandalism of other students’ property or school property will result in harsh disciplinary action.  No spray painting/gluing or airbrushing will be tolerated in the building. No cutting on the school’s desk surfaces; use a self-healing cutting mat (replacement fee for permanently damaged tables is ~ $400 USD).

Wheeled vehicles, motorized or not, may not be brought into any PSU building, including Shattuck Hall and Shattuck Annex. Students may never push or ride any wheeled recreational device in any building. 

Social events not sanctioned by the School of Architecture may not be planned nor executed in Shattuck Hall. This includes, but is not limited to, birthday parties, showers, employment celebrations, and end-of-degree or -term parties. Disciplinary action may be taken against those students who use and/or damage School property as a result of unsanctioned social activity.

Repeated violations of these prohibitions may result in fines for the enacting students.

Portland State Campus Rules

Possession of drugs or alcohol, as well as vandalism to student work, are serious violations of the University's Administrative Rules of Student Conduct and will not be tolerated; violators will be subject to a disciplinary hearing by the Office of Student Affairs. Despite the new Oregon state law, the use and possession of marijuana will continue to be prohibited on campus, at University-sponsored events, in University housing, and in the University workplace.  As of September 2015, PSU is a smoke-free campus.

No Tolerance for Discrimination

Please be mindful not to make any assumptions or comments about people based on their national origin, race, color or any other identities. Asking questions about someone’s health based on your perception of their race or national origin could be considered discriminatory. If you someone you know experiences a bias incident or discrimination, contact Global Diversity and Inclusion

How to Report Non-Compliant Studio or Class Behavior

Students who wish to report violations of appropriate behavior may use any of these methods:

If the issue causes a student great concern, but they do not feel comfortable coming forward with the methods above, they can receive assistance and advice from the C.A.R.E. Team website, which contains contact information for various scenarios.