
Shattuck Hall Kitchen/Student Resource Room

The 3rd-floor Student Resource Room, commonly known as the kitchen, is adjacent to the southwest stairwell. This room is used for meetings, planning events, making phone calls, relaxing, eating lunch, hanging out, gathering magazines, and so on. It has a kitchen counter, sink, fridge, and microwave. 

The Architecture Studio Representatives establish a weekly cleaning schedule each term, which is approved by the Communications/Student Body Liaison Graduate Assistant and the School Director. Each studio rep pairing is responsible for cleaning the room, including the refrigerator, microwave, counters, sink, and floors, at least once per term. The Communications GA inspects the kitchen for sufficient cleanliness after each cleaning session. 

Students are welcome to store a small amount of food in the refrigerator. Students must label any food or drinks with their name and the date. Anything left in the fridge two weeks from the original date must be thrown out.