Studio Access/ID Badges

Obtaining Access to Studio

Get Your Access Badge

All students enrolled in studio classes from ARCH 121 upward are required to obtain an access badge (a white PSU ID card) from the ID Services office:

ID Services 724 SW Harrison Street Building, First Floor (just north of Shattuck Hall)

Activate Your Access Badge

All students who are enrolled in a studio class (ARCH 121 and higher) by the Thursday prior to the start of term will automatically be given keycard access to the studio. Students on the waitlist for studio class will not be given access until they are officially registered in the class; once registered, these students should send an activation request email to with their name, PSU ID number, and badge number. 

This access badge gives you 24-hour access to the studio environment while you are registered in a studio class. This privilege can be revoked at any time on an individual or group basis if unacceptable behavior warrants it. 

Where to Use Your Access Badge

1. Shattuck Hall building access points are in two locations:

2. Shattuck Hall third floor studio access points are to be found at each of the four doors to the third floor studios. 

3. Shattuck Hall's elevator is located in the northeast corner of the building and travels from the first floor to the third floor.

If you are registered in a studio class and your card does not work, please inform office staff by emailing