Laptop Requirements

All students entering the Professional Track (ARCH 380 and above) are required to own a laptop computer meeting the minimum hardware requirements described below. Digital design software used in architecture requires higher performance standards than normal. Older, under-performing computers may work well with simple software but will struggle with the more complicated 3D modeling, rendering, and visualization tasks that are a necessary part of the design process.

All students need a laptop computer capable of running the Windows operating system (Windows). Many design programs used in architecture are only available on Windows and we strongly encourage students to purchase a PC laptop. Apple computers use the Mac operating system (macOS) and while they can run Windows in a dual mode, using macOS introduces several difficulties. Macs running Windows through desktop virtualization software (Virtual Box, Parallels, VMware, etc.) suffer disadvantages in reduced computer performance by running two operating systems at once. Macs running Bootcamp must partition their hard drive and encounter complications associated with managing two sets of applications as well as reduced available storage capacity. PC’s have greater after-market upgrading options and typically provide better performance for less cost than Apple products.

Laptop Hardware Specifications (April 2024)

*Avoid laptop configurations relying solely on an integrated GPU. Laptop Graphics Card Comparison

Note that 13” laptops generally under-perform when running design software. 17” laptops are often too heavy to transport easily and impede mobility. An external monitor can provide additional work space (see below).

**  Refer to the USEFUL LINKS page for more information on laptop selection, computer information, and other recommendations.

Recommended Accessories

Server-Based Computing

If you find yourself in need of more powerful computing resources during your studies, another option is the use of server-based computing services like Paperspace. These services provide a cloud-based computer that can be accessed from a web browser and run like any other computer. It does require the installation of your own software.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have a desktop computer at home; do I still need to purchase a laptop?

In order to participate fully in courses that meet in our classrooms, you will need a laptop. If your current desktop computer is an older model, perhaps you should consider selling it or using it as an auxiliary system. Students in the Graduate program may benefit having both a desktop and laptop as they engage more challenging digital design tasks.

I have a laptop, but it doesn’t meet the minimum requirements. What should I do?

While older and slower computers often can technically run software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, they often lag or crash and struggle to run multiple applications at once. Not only will a newer computer save you significant amounts of time by operating more effectively and saving you from losing work due to hardware crashes, a more capable computer will allow you to keep up with the rest of your class and work with larger and more complex files. It is highly recommended that students purchase and use a laptop that meets the minimum requirements.

When should I get my computer?

All graduate students, and undergraduate students entering the 300 level Architecture courses, need to have a laptop computer before their courses begin.

How long will this computer last?

It’s difficult to say exactly how long a computer will last — mostly because you can tax the capabilities of your computer system more and more as you integrate it into your daily work. The recommended configurations are designed to last for a three to four year stay on campus. This intends to cover both undergraduate students who will move into the 2-year graduate program and students directly entering the 3-year graduate program. Keep in mind that if you expect to upgrade to the latest software or are going to use your computer for applications beyond its current capability, you may need to upgrade your hardware more frequently.

Can I get financial assistance when purchasing my laptop?

Your purchase of a laptop may be eligible for an extension of any student loans you receive through the PSU Financial Aid Office. Please contact the PSU Financial Aid Office ( ) at (503) 725-3461 or toll-free (800) 547-8887.