Kitchen to Kacheri

'Kitchen to Kacheri' was a public exhibition of personal histories and archiving projects in search of political responses and responsibilities curated by Ishita Shah. It was part of 'this will keep you warm' exhibit by Khoj and Gothe Institute. 

Curatorial Note

Welcome to the Diwan Kutcheri of Bhavnagar State 

It is a busy weekday and we have a lot to do. Care to make yourself useful? You can begin by looking at the papers.

My desk is a teleportation device. It will take you across the world - from London to Bombay, Morvi to Kabul, Poona, Rajkot, and even Harrow, all while sitting at my desk in Bhavnagar. I have much to do. 

I need to study the Port reports, and plans from the Moorhead office (we have plans of expanding our Port, you see) and then examine the Stationery bills(we had ordered some dressing cases, trunks, silver cutlery), and then there are Jewellery bills that need to be accounted for, and finally telegrams that  need replies. There’s just so much to do!

Did I receive my railway pass? And oh, the Cattle show is scheduled on December 13, 1941(we have less than a month to prepare), there are four hundred entries, and the invitations need to be sent!

Vallabhbhai is visiting, and there are talks of freedom. While we propose a United States of India, the cloud of communal violence looms large. Our position is precarious. Politics often turn people into poets. 

And all this while, I am thinking of my son and the princes studying in England, corresponding with them and their tutors, being assured of their well-being. I am a father after all. 

I am the young man at the desk, and I am the old man with the beard. Ramaba, from your Kitchen to my Kutcheri, together we have weaved stories for generations to come. 

Thankyou for visiting and do help yourself to some Lipton Tea before you leave.