Ed Tech Leadership

Dr. David Atwell

Director | Email

Kim Culp 

Manager | Email | @Kim_Culp

Ed Tech staff

Catherine Angione

Specialist | Email

Leigh Arnold

Specialist | Email | @LArnold87

Jonathan Decker

Project Manager | Email | @EdTechGuru

Wolff Damier

Technical Analyst | Email

Randall DeMello

Specialist | Email

Noel Elvir

Specialist | Email

Mike Goldstein

Project Manager | Email

Nicholas Kingery

Technical Analyst | Email

Trent Laubscher

Project Manager | Email | @TrentLaubscher

Terri Miller

Specialist | Email

Dan Shinneman

Specialist | Email | @DanShinneman

John Shoemaker

Specialist | Email | @Shoewee

Dr. Gail Sigelakis

Specialist | Email | @DrSiggy

Rebecca Smykla

Project Manager | Email | @RebeccaSmykla

Coretta Williams

Specialist | Email

If Educational Technology assistance is needed, please reach out to our team directly via the emails above or call 561-969-5878. 

If technical assistance is needed, please contact the IT Customer Support Desk at 561-242-4100.