Satsuma Mandarins

Introducing January's Harvest of the Month, Mandarins! 

HOTM Mandarin Oranges

Mandarin Slide Deck

Click here to learn more about: What is a Satsuma Mandarin? The Citrus Family, History of Mandarins, Mandarin Nutrition, Mandarin recipe, and Mandarin Farm Spotlight. 

Mandarin Feelings Check In Scale

Use this Mandarin Feelings Scale as a fun way to check in and get thinking about the Harvest of the Month! 

Mandarin Oranges Check In Scale


Copy of Mandarins - Educator's Newsletter_Final.pdf

Educator Newsletter

Copy of Community HOTM - Mandarin Oranges_Eng (1).pdf

Family Newsletter (English)

Copy of Community HOTM - Mandarin Oranges_Span.pdf

Family Newsletter (Spanish)

Mandarins 21-22 PK-TK Workbook 13.pdf

PK - TK (English)

End_22-23 K-1_Mandarins.pdf

K - 1 (English)

Copy of 21.22_Workbook_Grades_2-5_A 8.pdf

2 - 5 (English)

SPAN PK-TK 21-22 Workbook mandarins.pdf

PK - TK (Spanish)

Mandarinas SPAN K-1 21.22_Workbook 10.pdf

K - 1 (Spanish)

Copy of SPAN 2-5 21.22_Workbook 8.pdf

2 - 5 (Spanish)

2024.01 OUSD_Poster_January 2024.pdf

Farmer Poster

Click here to learn more about the farmers that are supplying our produce bar's Mandarins: Galpin Family Farms! This flyer includes fun facts about Mandarin Oranges as well as some information about the farmers. 

You can watch this YouTube and TikTok to learn more about a small family citrus farm that we have sourced some of our citrus from in past years.