EFG Champion Meetings + Trainings


EFG Champion Main Page

Workshop Feedback Form

OUSD ET/OT Form for Classified Staff - select "The Center - Education and Community Programming" as the site, send to michelle.oppen@ousd.org

W-9 Form for people who are not OUSD employees

The Center Timesheet for PD for Certificated Staff (use only when instructed to)

EFG Champion Workshop Materials

Teaching & Learning Workshop for EFG Champions

[March 7, 2024]

Review the slides to see data, highlights and trends related to teaching and learning in OUSD schools gardens and ideas for how we can encourage EFG learning through innovative calendaring for time in the garden, taking standards-aligned curriculum outdoors into the garden and supporting student leadership of HOTM.

EFG Teaching and Learning Professional Development 3/7/24

Pruning Workshop for EFG Champions & Master Gardeners

[January 20, 2024]

Review this handout to learn about pruning fruit trees, specific to Oakland and OUSD schools. A big thank you to the Master Gardeners for facilitating this workshop, and the team at Highland Community for their warm welcome! A great crew of EFG Champions, Master Gardeners, and OUSD staff came out and learned about pruning fruit trees while tending to the needs of the Highland garden space.

OUSD Fruit Tree Pruning Handout

School Gardens   Workshop for EFG Champions

[December 1, 2023]

Review slides to learn about highlights, patterns, and common questions related to school gardens in OUSD schools and how EFG Champions play a key role in implementing school gardens in OUSD!

EFG Champion School Garden Professional Development 11/30/23

Harvest of the Month Professional Development for EFG Champions

[September 28, 2023]

Review slides to learn about the OUSD Harvest of the Month (HOTM) program and how EFG Champions play a key role in implementing the HOTM program at OUSD schools!

HOTM EFG Champion Training 09/28/2023

EFG Champion HOTM Resource Fair Passport - Read carefully. This functions as a cover sheet for all the materials being provided to EFG Champion sites. Please store materials carefully and save for use in future years.

EFG Champion Harvest of the Month Resource Fair Passport 2023