
Introducing February's Harvest of the Month, Broccoli

HOTM Broccoli

Broccoli Slide Deck

Click here to learn more about: What is broccoli? The Brassica Family, History of Broccoli, Broccoli Nutrition, Broccoli recipe, and Broccoli Farm Spotlight. 

Broccoli Feelings Check In Scale

Use this Broccoli Feelings Scale as a fun way to check in and get thinking about the Harvest of the Month! 

Broccoli Check In Scale

Coloring Pages


Broccoli Taste Test Worksheet


Broccoli Coloring Page


Broccoli Coloring Page


Copy of Broccoli - Family News_Eng_Final.pdf

English Family Newsletter

Copy of Broccoli - SPANISH-Family News_FINAL.pdf

Spanish Family Newsletter

Copy of Broccoli_Fam News_CHINESE.pdf

Chinese Family Newsletter

Copy of Community HOTM - Broccoli_Eng.pdf

English Community Newsletter

Copy of Community HOTM - Broccoli_Span.pdf

Spanish Community Newsletter

Copy of Broccoli - Educator's Newsletter_Final.pdf

Educator Newsletter

2024.02 OUSD_Poster_February 2024 final.pdf

Farmer Poster

Click here to learn more about the local, California farm that is spotlighted for the month of February: World's Finest Farm

Due to storm damage, unfortunately the broccoli for produce bars and taste tests will not be sources from World's Finest Farm. EFG Champions should have received a mailing with the farmer poster about World's Finest Farm, as these were mailed before the damage and pivot occurred. You can still post the poster for educational purposes, just know that it is not actually the farm providing the broccoli this month.

Broccoli Videos