October '23 Cucumber

Celebrate cucumber, and encourage students and school communities to eat a variety of nutritious produce. 

Resources will be updated on this website on an ongoing basis with a slide deck, our HOTM TikTok of the month, and more teacher and family resources!

Learn more about OUSD Harvest of the Month (HOTM) here.

October '23 Cucumbers

Cucumber Slide Deck

This slide deck is made for you to use in a flexible capacity for instructional purposes.

In this slide deck you will find (in order presented): What are Cucumbers?, Structure of a Cucumber Plant, Cucumber Varieties, Cucumber Nutrition Facts, Ways to Eat Cucumbers, and Cucumber Farm Spotlight.

How are you feeling today on a cucumber scale? 

Cucumbers Feeling Scale.pdf

Activity Sheet

This worksheet is meant to introduce the botanical layout of a cucumber plant to students. The intended audience is 3rd grade and above. The definitions and picture can are meant to reinforce what is learned through the cucumber slide deck. Definitions at the bottom are provided as hints.

Cucumber Plant Labeling.pdf

Activity Sheet

This activity sheet is meant to introduce nutrition facts and vegetables in the same family as cucumber (Cucurbits) to students. The intended audience is 5th grade and above.

Cucumber English Newsletter.pdf

 Family Newsletter (English)

Cucumber Spanish Newsletter.pdf

Family Newsletter (Spanish)

These newsletters are meant to guide the student's families in implementing the harvest of the month into their lifestyles!

Cucumber Lesson Plans for Teachers.pdf

Educator Newsletter

Copies of this newsletter are provided for all staff at EFG Champion sites.

Cucumber newsletter training guide.pdf

Companion Educator Newsletter Training Guide

Cucumber food tips.pdf

Cucumber Nutrition Newsletter

Cucumber botanical image and how it grows.pdf

Cucumber Botanical Info

Cucumber Study Sleuth Answers.pdf

Cucumber Study Sleuth

Cucumber:Pickle Nutrition Label.pdf

Cucumber/Pickle Nutrition Sheets

Cucumber books.pdf

Cucumber Book List


Cucumber by Macka B

2023 HOTM Calendar

2023 Harvest of the Month (HOTM) Calendar.pdf

This calendar contains goes in depth on each month's highlighted produce. It offers recipes for the Harvest of the Month along with information on what farmers markets are available in Alameda County! This calendar is fun way to stay informed on the nutritious value and ease of the seasonal produce.