EFG Champions 2024-2025

Environment, Food, and Garden

What is an Environment, Food, & Garden (EFG) Champion?

Environment, Food, and Garden Champions are school site based leaders working to integrate various projects and programs.

The EFG Champion is a synthesized and integrated position distilling the three prongs of the work we are embarking on at The Center - environment, food, and gardens. The EFG Champion(s) will work closely with The Center Education + Community Programming Team to integrate and connect the dots between these three prongs. 

In this stipended role, the EFG Champion leads garden management, maintenance, and use of the school site’s existing educational garden space(s) and its harvest. They connect their school garden, school food, Harvest of the Month and other programs together to promote access to nutritious food like fruits and vegetables at school for students, families, and staff. They do this in alignment with the new District Central Kitchen, Education Program and Instructional Farm (The Center).

An EFG Champion is someone who is: 

Who is eligible to be an Environment, Food, & Garden (EFG) Champion?

Note: Per the OUSD Policy all schools with a school garden are required to have and identify a designated garden liaison aka person-of-record by the start of the school year even if they choose not to opt into this formalized EFG Champion program. This person-of-record will need to be identified and communicated to the District Garden Council. 

Check out 2023 - 2024 School Year EFG Program Highlights!

0. EFG Monthly Log Summary for 2023-2024.pdf

Applications for the 2024 - 2025 school year EFG Champion Program are open!

Wellness Champions 2024-25: OUSD Environment, Food & Garden Champion Program Overview

Materials from the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Wellness Champions 2024-25: OUSD Environment, Food & Garden Champion Program Overview

EFG Champion + Staff Wellness Champion Overview

Find the EFG Champion at your school site

EFG Workshop Calendar & Due Dates 2023-24 DRAFT

2023-2024 EFG Workshops & Key Due Dates

2023-2024 EFG Champion Bi-Monthly

Each site with 1 or more EFG (Environment, Food & Garden) Champions is expected to complete an "EFG Champion Bi-Monthly MAIN LOG" every other month by the last Friday of these months: September, November, January, March, and May.

Document versions of EFG Champion Main Bi-Monthly Logs available here 

Monthly Stories Summaries

2023-2024 EFG Champion Bi-Monthly

If there are multiple EFG Champions at the site, the other EFG Champion is required to fill out the Bi-Monthly SUPPLEMENTAL LOG AND provide data to the person completing the Bi-Monthly MAIN LOG.

Communicate ahead of time to determine who will submit the Main Log and who will submit the Supplemental Log. 

SLAQ Wellness Questionnaire Directions and OUSD Schools with PEARS IDs 2024

SLAQ Wellness Inventory

EFG Champion Rubric & Goal Documents

OUSD EFG Champion SMARTE Goals 2023-24

EFG Champion SMARTE Goals 2023-2024

Includes required and optional goals. Make a copy to edit and add your own!

School Garden Maintenance Check Rubric Master (PUBLIC)

School Garden Maintenance Check Rubric

HOTM Bulletin Board Rubric V.2 (PUBLIC)

HOTM Bulletin Board Rubric

OUSD School Garden Toolkit 2023-2024

OUSD School Gardens Toolkit

Helpful reference for school gardens in OUSD. 

Check out the RESOURCES appendix (pages 60 on) for links to all relevant forms and documents!

Seed and Start Program Schedule, Aug. 2023- May 2024
2023-24 Wellness Champion Program Identified Champions (Public)

EFG Champions 2023-2024

EFG Champion Photo Album 2024-25

EFG Champion Expectations for 2023-2024

EFG Champion Goals & Expectations for 2023-24:

EFG Champion Support for 2023-24: