
April 6 - 10

Pick two ideas from this chart

Word fun!.pdf

Read a book together and answer these questions

reading questions.pdf
Kindergarten Sight Words - Google Docs.pdf


Games to Play with Dice and Cards Choose one or more games to play from these fun math games!

Math Games Using Dice & Cards


How do germs get Inside your body?

Social Studies

Write a positive message on the sidewalk or driveway to cheer up community members as they walk around the neighborhood

Art For ALL of our K-5 kiddos, as mentioned before, you can continue with the choices that we shared in the last two weeks but if you feel up to it you can dig into some heartfelt art with the following idea. Our friends at shared this prompt: ​Create artwork about your feelings during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Use available materials and be CREATIVE! Please feel free to use one of the following themes or create your own: * A Positive message of hope and optimism * The first thing I will do when this is all over * My vacation spot in my mind * How to stay connected while apart * Thank you to our doctors and nurses


Build a book fort! Make a fort out of blankets, pillows, what ever you find! Then sit inside and look at a book, magazine, or watch a read aloud from our read aloud page.