1st Grade

March 30 - April 3

Reading/ Language Arts:

Read these sight words from our first grade list. Find them in a book, magazine, newspaper, or anywhere around the house. Bonus: write them in sentences.

get, first, will, new, all, small, called, no, so, boy, girl, him, her, them, then, there, some, which, when, long, been, make, made, down, how, now, write, know, great, people, other, part, large, place, because, water, more, old, also, use, learn, put, animals, words, work, their

Flyleaf decodable books


Write the doubles facts (e.g. 4+4=8) and the combinations of 10 facts (e.g. 3+7=10)



Check outside for your shadow in the morning, at noon, and later in the day. Draw it each time and write about what you observed.

Nat Geo Kids: Amazing Animals

Social Studies:

While staying at home, what are some things you and your family do together? Write a list or tell someone!