3rd Grade

April 6 - 10

Here are some ways that students can show what they know for the various activities. Write about it, draw a picture, build a model, make a poster, talk about it, make a video, make a slide show, create a graphic organizer, make a book or comic book, come up with your own way BE CREATIVE!!! Your teacher would love to see what you are proud of!

Reading/Language Arts

Let's go on a scavenger hunt! Listen to one of the OES teachers reading a book aloud on the tab that says Read Alouds. Find the characters, setting, problem, solution, and the theme. What are some interesting words that you heard? Let your teacher know what you found by sending her a message!


Use Classlink to access Starfall. Find a mulitiplication game to play and then find some other math games that you would like to work on.

Find the area and perimeter of things in your house. Use a ruler, yard/meter stick, tape measure or a spoon. Don't forget to add the units!


Use this link to watch the video Why is the Sky Blue?

The weather has been beautiful! Go on a scavenger hunt! See if you can find the objects on the scavenger hunt sheet. Answer the questions when you are done.


Social Studies

Choose another state to "visit." Compare and contrast this state to the state you visited last week. Let your teacher know which state you would rather visit.


http://oskyelementaryart.weebly.com/ For ALL of our K-5 kiddos, as mentioned before, you can continue with the choices that we shared in the last two weeks but if you feel up to it you can dig into some heartfelt art with the following idea. Our friends at Artsonia.com shared this prompt: ​Create artwork about your feelings during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Use available materials and be CREATIVE! Please feel free to use one of the following themes or create your own: * A Positive message of hope and optimism * The first thing I will do when this is all over * My vacation spot in my mind * How to stay connected while apart * Thank you to our doctors and nurses


Build a book fort! Make a fort out of blankets, pillows, what ever you find! Then sit inside and look at a book, magazine, or watch a read aloud from our read aloud page.