4th Grade

April 6 - 10

Reading/Language Arts

Read a book on Epic and take an AR quiz.

Writing Prompt: You can write this on paper, draw a picture, or post to Seesaw or Google Classroom. Imagine you've invented a time machine. What year do you travel to and why? Describe what you experience.


Practice Everyday Math games online. Practice Math Facts in Everyday Math or a website of your choice.

Practice the skills you have learned this year. Practice adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator or tenths and hundredths. Practict adding and subtracting mixed numbers with the same denominator.


1. https://seaworld.org/animals/videos/ Pick an animal each day 2. Watch the video clip for that animal 3. After watching the video write in your journal or on SeeSaw 3 things you learned about that animal, 2 things you found interesting, and 1 question you still have. Make sure to tell us what animal you chose to learn about.

Pick a time of day to go outside in your backyard or pick a time of day to look out your window. Each day return to the same spot around the same time and journal what you observe. Include in your journal: 1. The date and time of day 2. What do you observe? 3. Draw what you observe 4. Make a prediction about what you think you will observe tomorrow.

Social Studies

Read this article about inventions and how they have made an impact.

Journal on SeeSaw/Google Classroom or on paper about your favorite invention and why it is your favorite. You can also explain how it impacted peoples lives.


http://oskyelementaryart.weebly.com/ For ALL of our K-5 kiddos, as mentioned before, you can continue with the choices that we shared in the last two weeks but if you feel up to it you can dig into some heartfelt art with the following idea. Our friends at Artsonia.com shared this prompt: ​Create artwork about your feelings during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Use available materials and be CREATIVE! Please feel free to use one of the following themes or create your own: * A Positive message of hope and optimism * The first thing I will do when this is all over * My vacation spot in my mind * How to stay connected while apart * Thank you to our doctors and nurses


Build a book fort! Make a fort out of blankets, pillows, what ever you find! Then sit inside and look at a book, magazine, or watch a read aloud from our read aloud page.