3rd Grade

March 23 - 27

Show what you know! Here are some ways that students can show what they know for the various activities. Write about it, draw a picture, build a model, make a poster, talk about it, make a video, make a slide show, make a book or comic book, come with your own way BE CREATIVE!!! Your teacher would love to see what you are proud of!

Reading/ Language Arts

Read a book...one you have or one on Epic and take an AR quiz. Go to classlink to access Epic and AR.

Journal about your day. What did you do? What are you feeling?


Play a game on the Everyday Math site. Go to Classlink and click on ConnectED

Pick a daily activity or activites. Record the time you start and the time you finish. How much time passed? You can use an open number line.


Click Here to Visit a virtual zoo, watch a movie/show about animals, or find an animal outside. How does this animal survive in its environment?

Go outside and find 5 living and 5 non-living things. Write or draw about what you observed.

Social Studies

Oregon Trail-Play the online game.



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