4th Grade

March 30 - April 3

Reading/Language Arts

Read a book on Epic and take an AR quiz.

Writing Prompt: You can write this on paper, draw a picture, or post to Seesaw or Google Classroom. Write about a time you were really happy. What happened? What made you feel happy?


Practice Everyday Math games on Classlink. Practice Math Facts in Everyday Math or a website of your choice.

Practice the skills you have learned this year. Practice multiplication using partial product or lattice, create equivalent fractions, or compare fractions and put them on a number line.


Read the article Extraordinary Eyes

Go on a nature walk and write on paper or post on SeeSaw any observations you made.

Social Studies

Read the article Trash Collector. Talk with someone about how this invention helps others. Feel free to record your ideas on SeeSaw, Google Classroom, or just share with a peer.

Draw/label a design of your own trash collector for your community. You can share your drawing by hanging it on the fridge for our parents to see, or take a picture of it and post it on SeeSaw for your classmates to see.