Textbook Policy

We all recognize that instructional materials are an expensive resource and that each student is entitled to sufficient instructional materials in accordance with law. Instructional materials provided for use by students remain the property of the district. Students are responsible for returning borrowed materials in good condition, with no more wear and tear than usually results from normal use.

At the beginning of the school year it is important for students to check their textbooks and report any damages. After textbooks have been distributed, students have three weeks to report any damages so they will not be charged at the end of the year. Do not leave textbooks in lockers overnight or on weekends – You are responsible for the condition of your textbook.

All textbooks are due to the OPHS textbook room at the end of the class (semester/year). When students return their textbooks, they are reviewed for any sustained damages. Below is a list of criteria we use when determining what fees to charge for damaged books. The information is provided to ensure there are no unforeseen problems at the end of the year. The fees collected are used to pay for the repair or replacement of books.

Textbook Damage Costs

Oak Park High School gives students that have lost or significantly damaged their books the opportunity to purchase a suitable replacement with the same ISBN # and return it to the school in lieu of the school levying a fine.

Textbook debts are obligations to the school and if left unpaid can result in the following:

  • Delay at registration & the student’s schedule will be withheld until the beginning of the school year.
  • Diplomas and transcripts withheld until the debt is cleared.

If a student and parent are unable to pay for the damages, OPHS can provide a payment plan or a voluntary work program to cover the monetary cost.

Oak Park High School never wants to impose a fine on a student. Multiple students must use OPHS textbooks over the course of many years. The fines above are solely to replace or repair damaged books.

Textbook Care

The following are ways to help minimize the risk of damaging textbooks:

1. Cover all textbooks with the proper sized cover.

2. Keep textbooks away from liquids, including water bottles that may sweat or lunches that could potentially leak.

3. Do not store the textbooks in lockers for an extended period of time.

4. Keep textbooks inside of backpacks during inclement weather.

5. Refrain from leaving textbooks on lunch tables in between classes.