Alternative Education

Oak View High School

The following guidelines are used by Oak Park High School to determine whether a transfer to the district’s Continuation High School (Oak View) would be appropriate:

9th grade – Students in the 9th grade are not normally recommended for Oak View High School except under extreme circumstances (e.g. is repeating 9th grade and is an older freshman student that may be unsuccessful the second time around). Parents may voluntarily transfer their student to Oak View at this point in time if they feel it would provide a better educational opportunity.

10th grade – Students in the 10th grade may be transferred to Oak View if they are at least 16 years of age, or are recommended to attend through an SST with staff and parents, and exhibit one or more of the following:

· 20 or more credits deficient at the start of their sophomore year.

· Have a habitual pattern of absences and/or truancies.

· Lack motivation to maintain a consistent and responsible pattern of completion of schoolwork.

· Fail to respond to other forms of intervention set up by teachers, counselors and administrators.

· Students that are 20 or more credits down by the middle of their sophomore year will be automatically transferred to Oak View.

11th grade – Students in the 11th grade may be transferred to Oak View if they are at least 16 years of age, are recommended to attend through an SST with staff and parents, and exhibit one or more of the following:

· Students that are 15 or more credits down by the start of their junior year will be automatically transferred to Oak View.

· Have a habitual pattern of absences and/or truancies.

· Lack motivation to maintain a consistent and responsible pattern of completion of schoolwork.

· Fail to respond to other forms of interventions set up by teachers, counselors and administrators.

· Students that are 15 or more credits deficient by the middle of their junior year will be automatically transferred to Oak View.

12th grade – Students in 12th grade may be transferred to Oak View if they are recommended through an SST with staff and parents and exhibit one or more of the following:

· Students that are 15 or more credits deficient at the start of their senior year, or at the start of the 2nd semester of their senior year will be automatically transferred to Oak View

· Have a habitual pattern of absences and/or truancies.

· Lack motivation to maintain a consistent and responsible pattern of completion of schoolwork.

· Fail to respond to other forms of intervention set up by teachers, counselors and administrators.

Special Note for Seniors: It should be noted that students placed at Oak View in their senior year will be graduates of Oak View High School.

The goal of placing a student at Oak View is to help him/her get back on track for graduation. Thus, underclassmen have an opportunity to enter their senior year on track. As a result, students must be within 5 credits of senior status (175 credits completed) to return to Oak Park High School for their senior year. Students transferring back from Oak View will be expected to attend their entire senior year at Oak Park High School.

OVHS / OPIS Students at Oak Park High School

OPIS students may take only one elective class at OPHS. OVHS students may take one core course-if it is not offered at OVHS. OVHS students may be considered for one elective class, on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions will be made only with OVHS/OPIS and OPHS joint administrative approval. Decisions regarding placement of OVHS/OPIS into elective classes will be made on a space-available basis. A list of openings in elective classes will be generated by OPHS and given to OVHS/OPIS administration as soon as possible. Although OPHS will expect to have some openings in some electives before the official start of school, actual openings will not be known until the end of the second week of school as OPHS students have this timeframe to change their schedules.