Off Campus Passes

Temporary Passes - (Medical Appointments)

Parents must call the Attendance Office at 818-735-3311 to request off-campus passes for doctor’s appointments during the school day. Students will receive a permission slip from the attendance clerk that will serve as a pass off campus. However, parents are discouraged from scheduling appointments for their students during school hours.

Long-term Passes - (Lunch Passes)

As a privilege of becoming a senior, senior students may be issued one-year passes to leave the campus for lunch ONLY. The off-campus lunch privilege will be extended ONLY to SENIORS.

No temporary off-campus lunch passes will be issued to freshmen, sophomores or juniors. Underclassmen are expected to remain on campus for lunch and to make appropriate arrangements.

At all other times, as noted above, all students must have appropriate permission to leave campus.

Students may not leave campus at any other time during the day (including nutrition) without checking out through the office.

Free Period Rules and Requirements

To maintain full-time student status, meet the District's legal attendance requirements, and to maintain progress toward graduation these are minimum number of classes required at each grade level:

  • Freshmen and Sophomores – must be enrolled in a minimum of six classes on campus. No Free Period options are available to ninth and tenth grade students.
  • Juniors –must be enrolled in a minimum of five classes on the OPHS campus. Juniors wishing to take only five classes must have earned 130 credits by the beginning of their junior year with a 3.0 Cumulative GPA. Juniors may elect to take a Zero period as one of their required classes and be allowed to have a free fifth or sixth period.
  • Seniors – must be enrolled in a minimum of five classes (all must be on the OPHS campus). Seniors and juniors that desire dismissal at lunch every day may accomplish this through enrollment in one of our Zero Period classes and by having their parent sign an “off-campus” pass request form.
  • Senior and juniors who are taking five classes may have their free period in the morning (Per 1 or 2) as long as they are not taking a Zero Period, or the afternoon if they are not taking Zero Period(Per 5 or 6) Juniors and seniors may elect to take a Zero period as one of their required classes and be allowed to have a free fifth or sixth period.
  • All students who have a free period must have an AB 1012 Waiver and Consent Form signed by their parents or guardians and on file in the OPHS main office