
At Oak Park High School, we understand that effective learning cannot take place without effective disciplinary policies.

Our disciplinary policies are aligned with our Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) and are intended to encourage each student to become

School Community Contributors who:

    1. Demonstrate high standards of honesty, integrity, and respect in all settings
    2. Exhibit responsible digital citizenship and appropriate use of social media
    3. Establish and maintain positive and respectful interpersonal relationships
    4. Contribute time, energy and talent to improve the quality of life in the school

To encourage the development of self-discipline, OPHS shall hold the students accountable for their actions, and will protect the students from others whose behavior endangers other students or from those who disrupts the learning process.

Each teacher implements a classroom management plan with progressive steps for handling misbehavior.

All discipline hours assigned, including Trash Pick up and Saturday School must be served by the last day of the following academic quarter. Failure to clear assigned discipline within this timeframe may result in the suspension of student privileges including athletic participation, off-campus lunch passes, and exclusion from other extra-curricular activities.