In addition to a student not being able to make up work from unexcused absences, he/she will also be subject to administrative consequences after the third unexcused absence. All discipline hours assigned, including Trash Pick Up and Saturday School must be served by the last day of the following academic quarter or student privileges and extra-curricular participation may be suspended until the student has cleared the discipline with Administration.
- After a student has accumulated his/her 3rd unexcused absence in any block period course or 4th unexcused absence in any zero period course, a Saturday School will be assigned.
- After a student has accumulated his/her 4th unexcused absences in any block period or 6th unexcused absence in zero period, an additional Saturday School will be assigned and a parent conference will occur.
- After a student has accumulated his/her 5th unexcused absence in any block period or 7th unexcused absence in zero period will result in a two Saturday Schools.
- After a student has accumulated his/her 6th unexcused absence in any block period or 8th unexcused absence in zero period, the student may receive a grade of “FAIL” due to poor attendance.