Associated Student Body

Every student, by virtue of his/her enrollment, is a member of the ASB (Associated Student Body).

ASB Activity Cards

Each student enrolled at OPHS is issued a photo I.D. card in the fall. Replacement cards cost $5.00 each. ID cards MUST be carried by students at all times while on campus and at a school activity. The I.D. card will be required when checking out textbooks and conducting all financial transactions with the student store.

Students may also purchase an ASB Activity sticker both to support ASB activities and athletics and to be entitled to free admission to all home athletic events and discounts on school activities and dances.

Students should be an ASB cardholder to participate in the following: ASB & Class Officers, Athletic Teams including Cheer and Dance.

Student Council

The ASB officers/Student Council serves as the voice of the students in all major school affairs and acts as the liaison between students and the administration.

The Student Council meets as a class with the ASB advisor to organize school activities.

The Council consists of the following ASB Officers:

    • President
    • V.P., Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • School Board Representative
    • Municipal Advisory Committee Representative

Class officers representing each grade level

    • President
    • V.P., Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Site Council Representative

Appointed officers:

A variety of ASB Positions for each grade level are available every year.

Check out the ASB web site for an updated list of our ASB and Class officers